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Genoways Treatment of The Old Cartographers Discussion

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One implication of Genoways’s treatment of the old cartographers inscribing uncharted regions
on the old nautical maps with the legend “Here Be Monsters” is that man has always been
fascinated by the concept of ghosts and monsters, be it the present day or the past. As evidenced
by Genoways’s writing, monsters have been a part of the human thinking since long and only the
form has changed over time. In the old days, people implied whatever was undiscovered or not
properly known being of a monstrous nature. This is quite true as in the past many things were
unexplored and unnamed, therefore their association with the monsters was considered more. In
the present day, as more and more knowledge has been acquired by the mankind, the concept of
monsters has evolved to a newer form. The monsters of our present day are terror attacks,
nuclear weapons etc. Still, they are similar to the monsters of the past in the sense that we know
very little about what will happen if we face them. The nature and extent of devastation nuclear
weapons of today are capable to make is unknown and therefore a monster for us, from which we
feel a lot of fear.

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One implication of Genoways’s treatment of the old cartographers inscribing uncharted regions on the old nautical maps with the legend “Here Be Monsters” is that man has always been fascinated by the concept of ghosts and monsters, be it the present day or the past. As evidenced by Genoways’ ...
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