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Performance of the Sales Contract and Risk of Loss Quiz

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Test Ch. 8: Performance of the Sales Contract and Risk of Loss
• Date: 8/22/2019
• Total Score: 1 out of 5
• Percentage: 20%
1. If Samantha steals Cole's car and sells it to Dan, Dan now legally owns the car.
• a. TRUE
• b. FALSE
Explanation: Since Samantha had no right to the bike and no title, she cannot convey it to Dan.
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2. Risk of loss refers to who has to pay for insurance on the goods.
• a. FALSE
Explanation: Risk of loss decides whether buyer or seller will bear the cost of damage or other loss of the
• b. TRUE
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3. Under the UCC, if the contract for sales of goods does not specify who will collect or deliver the goods, it is
the seller's responsibility.
• a. TRUE
• b. FALSE
Explanation: If not otherwise specified, seller must make the goods available at seller's place of business.
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4. Typically, when a buyer orders merchandise from with standard shipping there is a F.O.B.
• a. TRUE
Explanation: Free on board, FOB requires the buyer to pay for the shipping charge.
• b. FALSE
5. Under the UCC, the buyer of goods ordinarily has the right to inspect the goods before paying for them.
• a. FALSE
• b. TRUE
Explanation: This is the general rule, but if the contract is C.O.D. or payment is made against a document of
title, there is no prior right of inspection.
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Test Ch. 8: Performance of the Sales Contract and Risk of Loss • Date: 8/22/2019 • Total Score: 1 out of 5 • Percentage: 20% 1. If Samantha steals Cole's car and sells it to Dan, Dan now legally owns the car. • a. TRUE • b. FALSE Explanation: Since Samantha had no right to the bike and no title, she cannot convey it to Dan. Review this content to learn more. 2. Risk of loss refers to who has to pay for insurance on the goods. • a. FALSE Explanation: Risk of loss decides whether buyer or seller will bear the cost of damage or other loss of the goods. • b. TRUE Review th ...
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