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Law And Society11.edited

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Social Science
University of West Georgia
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Running Head: LAW AND SOCIETY 1
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Legal tradition is a historically cited way of doing things. Legal culture is the snapshot of
cultural values that underpin different approaches to law in society. The legal system is the
institutions or professionals that make us the dos or fonts in the jurisdiction. Legal family groups
together common law systems and common law. Different legal traditions involve civil law,
common law, Islamic law, and socialist law (Lippmann, 2020). They govern different traditions
of how the law is made and enacted in different cultures. These legal traditions share a similar
approach to heritage and commitment through the evolution of law. For example, Islamic law
involves the use of Sharia courts, in front of judges and constant reference to the Koran as the
word of God, while civil law refers to codes, principles, and rules being defined. Case laws refer
to cases in previous law judgments and evidence in front of judges in a court of law. Common
law focuses on individual rights and liberties, where the judge deciding the case looks over at the
stare devices and follows the decision of the other judges.
There are several similarities between common and civil law. For instance, in private law,
it involves places where a contract is drafted, and several torts being followed for private
individual property and organizations, while public law is more criminal, based on public
offenses by the government. Common and civil law both have a court pyramid, from supreme
courts to magistrates, etc. They both have a judicial system that needs to be followed and
different levels of review (Lippmann, 2020). They both have different separation of powers and
judicial reviews. However, there are several differences between the two. They both have
different primary sources for legal norms. Also, they have varying sources of legal expertise i.e.
for civil law, they have assistance for judges while common law, and they use judges. Common
law uses an adverbial system while civil law uses an inquisitional system.

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Running Head: LAW AND SOCIETY 1 LAW AND SOCIETY Name of Student School name Date of Submission LAW AND SOCIETY 2 Legal tradition is a historically cited way of doing things. Legal culture is the snapshot of cultural values that underpin different approaches to law in society. The legal system is the institutions or professionals that make us the dos or fonts in the jurisdiction. Legal family groups together common law systems and common law. Different legal traditions involve civil law, common law, Islamic law, and socialist law (Lippmann, 2020). They govern different traditions of how the law is made and enacted in different cultures. These legal traditions share a similar approach to heritage and commitment through the evolution of law. For example, Islamic law involves the use of Sharia courts, in front of judges and constant reference to the Koran as the word of God, while civil law refers to codes, principles, and rules being defined. Case laws refer to cases in previous law judgments and evidence in front of judges in a court of law. Common law focuses on individual rights and liberties, where the judge deciding the case looks over at the stare devices and follows the decision of the other judges. There are several similarities between common and civil law. For instance, in private law, it involves places where a contract is drafted, and several torts being followed for private individual property and organizations, while public law is more criminal, based on publ ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
