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Causes and Effects Alcoholism Essay

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Causes and Effects Alcoholism
Alcoholism has become one of the major problems in our society, and the number of
alcoholics has also been increasing. Alcohol has been ranked third cause of lifestyle-related
deaths. World health organization in 2010 estimated that there were 208 million people with
alcoholism worldwide and 17 million of them being United States citizens. Also, a study
carried out by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence has pointed out that
100,000 people die every year as a result of drinking and driving, falls, fires, suicide, and
homicides all caused by alcohol consumption. Majority of the people who are alcoholics have
been introduced to alcohol drinking through peer pressure, and as a result of genetic
predisposition, mental health and environmental factors. Alcoholism has many side effects to
the consumers that include physical, psychological, and emotional impact. The cause and
effect of alcohols have significantly affected our current society.
Genetic predisposition is widely accepted as one of the causes of alcohol use disorder.
The study has shown that there is a high likely hood that a member of a family that has a
history of alcohol abuse is most likely to alcohol consumption and they may face difficulties
in treatment and recovery. Scientists have indicated that alcoholism may be associated with
up to 51 genes in various chromosome regions. When these genes are passed on through the
generations, members of that family line are more prone to develop alcohol use disorder.
Another factor that contributes to alcoholism is the environmental factors. Research
has indicated that the environment in which we live in determines the possibility of an
individual to abuse alcohol. People residing in areas close to alcohol establishments such as
bars and alcohol retail stores show a more positive attitude towards drinking. Workers in
these businesses have a high preference for abusing alcohol. Besides, the increase in

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advertisements of alcoholic drinks has increased highly to the general public, a factor that
shows drinking being fun, acceptable and for passing the time.
Social factors such as family, religion, culture, workmates, and peers influence a
person’s view on alcohol consumption. Child born in family that abuse alcohol has a likely
hood to develop alcoholism. When one is interacting with his or her peers either age mates or
even workmates may try to fit and build a relationship with them , in the process one may be
more susceptible to alcoholism especially when they all abuse alcohol. Additionally,
Psychological factors on how one handles situations have an impact on determining
susceptibility to alcohol use disorder (Umhau, p.1305). How to cope with the feelings impact
certain behavioural traits. For instance persons with depression, anxiety, high depression, and
other mental health disorders are likely to develop alcoholism as they try to suppress feelings
and relieve the symptoms by drinking alcohol. When the habit of using alcohol persists, it
may lead to alcohol use disorder.
The physical effect of alcoholism on individuals using alcohol and the people around
them are the most dangerous since they can easily cause injuries and even death. Research
carried out by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) shows
that 36 people die daily and about 700 are injured in accidents caused by drunk drivers
(Betrapally, p.1751). Other physical effects include stomach cancer, liver and kidney cancers
that may end up causing deaths. Alcohol interferes with the digestion of nutrients that are
essential for the body to remain healthy and more so causes damages in the neurons hence
causing an alteration in the body movement. Individuals suffering the effects of alcohol use
disorder also lose appetite and experience depression. Alcohol also affects the body like liver,
cirrhosis gastritis and cardiovascular system damage. When these physical effects become
severe, they are likely to cause death.

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Surname 1 Causes and Effects Alcoholism Alcoholism has become one of the major problems in our society, and the number of alcoholics has also been increasing. Alcohol has been ranked third cause of lifestyle-related deaths. World health organization in 2010 estimated that there were 208 million people with alcoholism worldwide and 17 million of them being United States citizens. Also, a study carried out by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence has pointed out that 100,000 people die every year as a result of drinking and driving, falls, fires, suicide, and homicides all caused by alcohol consumption. Majority of the people who are alcoholics have been introduced to alcohol drinking through peer pressure, and as a result of genetic predisposition, mental health and environmental factors. Alcoholism has many side effects to the consumers that include physical, psychological, and emotional impact. The cause and effect of alcohols have significantly affected our current society. Genetic predisposition is widely accepted as one of the causes of alcohol use disorder. The study has shown that there is a high likely hood that a member of a family that has a history of al ...
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