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Comparison Between Coca Cola and Jones Coke Comparative Essay

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Comparison Between Coca Cola and Jones Coke
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Both the coca cola company and the Jones soda company have shown both
similarities and differences in the way the two conduct their activities regarding production,
pricing, and promotion and influencing their consumer’s psychological variations. For
instance, Coca-Cola Company creates acceptance of their brand through psychological
influence by use of sensation and perception. The brand image conveys impressive item
identity to consumers. Coke promotes its products in many walks of life to achieve repeated
exposures. Advertisements of the coca cola brand are found in music, movies, and sports
making its brand connected with people’s life. Based on information from the chief
knowledge officer, the coca cola company provides a variety of categories of products such
as water, juice water, coffee, teas, coke zero and diet coke are provided for customers with
special needs (Ismail et al, p.248). This company uses three different pricing strategies that
include price scheming, market pricing and market penetration.
The Jones soda company uses consumer participation to influence its customer’s
psychological variables. They have created a website where their customers participate in
branding, sending photos that are voted to be used by the brand as well as the slogans that are

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placed at the bottom of the products. This influences their consumers by developing a sense
of belonging. To promote their products the jones cola, they use shelf advertisement, social
media, and their website (Lancelot Miltgen et al, p.231). Additionally, they sponsor events
such as independent music events, sports and use of promotional recreational vehicles which
travel to schools institutions.
Conclusively the two companies have similarities in promoting their products,
producing a variety of products that suit every category of their customers. Besides both
companies use lowering prices to remain competitive in the market. However, they differ in
different ways. The jones soda company does not use broadcast media to advertise their
products as compared to the coca cola company. Moreover, the slogan of the Jones soda
company invites their customers to be part of the branding process, unlike the coca cola

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Surname 1 Comparison Between Coca Cola and Jones Coke Name of student Course Date Both the coca cola company and the Jones soda company have shown both similarities and differences in the way the two conduct their activities regarding production, pricing, and promotion and influencing their consumer’s psychological variations. For instance, Coca-Cola Company creates acceptance of their brand through psychological influence by use of sensation and perception. The brand image conveys impressive item identity to consumers. Coke promotes its products in many walks of life to achieve repeated exposures. Advertisements of the coca cola brand are found in music, movies, and sports making its brand connected with people’s life. Based on information from the chief knowledge officer, the coca cola company provides a variety of categories of products such as water, juice water, coffee, teas, ...
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