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Effects of Bullying at Workplace Essay

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Effects of Bullying at Workplace
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Bullying behaviours have significant effects to the victim especially an employee as
well as the organisation. A supervisor or the manager may practice in bullying actions
thinking that it will contribute to the productivity of a worker to the organization but the
results are entirely negative. These behaviours affect both the company and the employees
resulting in job dissatisfaction and low productivity of the company in the long run. The
bullying behaviour affects mostly the subjects on their health, emotional exhaustion, anxiety,
psychological distress, and depression. Additionally, it results in poor work outcome to the
organization as the employees may have intentions to leave the workplace as well as causing
little or no contribution of ideas by the employees. Therefore, the organization will lack
accelerated innovation. Managers and the supervisors are supposed to put in place policies to
govern workplace and mostly provide for mechanisms of dealing with workplace bullying to
make the working environment conducive for their employees. Motivated workers are the
most productive.
Supervisors may use bullying as a means of making workers productive, but this ends
up producing negative result compared to the motivation of the employees. At the workplace
context when workers are bullied their performance is affected and consequently the
performance of the organisation bullying subject the individuals concerned and trouble in
decision making as they are afraid of the response to their decisions by their supervisor or
manager. This results in loss of self-esteem by the workers as they feel humiliated and
demeaned. For example, a manager yelling to his subordinate before the other workers makes
them feel humiliated and end up being psychologically affected. Since their work is not
appreciated, they have low motivation for workers (Samnani, & Singh, 2016). Most of the
workers may lose concentration and even feel incapacitated to work under harsh working
conditions resulting in low employee productivity.

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Running Head: IGNORING AND PROMOTING BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE 1 Effects of Bullying at Workplace Name of student Course Date IGNORING AND PROMOTING BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE 2 Bullying behaviours have significant effects to the victim especially an employee as well as the organisation. A supervisor or the manager may practice in bullying actions thinking that it will contribute to the productivity of a worker to the organization but the results are entirely negative. These behaviours affect both the company and the employees resulting in job dissatisfaction and low productivity of the company in the long run. The bullying behaviour affects mostly the subjects on their health, emotional exhaustion, anxiety, psychological distress, and depression. Additionally, it results in poor work outcome to the organization as the employees may have intentions to leave the workplace as well as causing little or no contribution of ideas by the employees. Therefore, the organization will lack accelerated innovation. Managers and the supervisors are supposed to put in place policies to govern workplace and mostly provide for mechanisms of dealing with workplace bullying to make the working environment conducive for their employees. Motivated workers are the most productive. Supervisors may use bullying as a means of making workers productive, but this ends up producing negative result compared to the motivation of the employees. At the workplace context when workers are bullied their pe ...
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