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How Effective Is Social Media Activism Discussion

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How effective is social media activism?
The social media activism has greatly been used in changing society and spearheading
the social and political changes. Understanding the effectiveness of this form of activism is
significant in establishing its weaknesses and strengths and how it could be improved. Social
media activism has been used across the globe and has resulted in revolutions that have
changed different societies. Facebook and Twitter have been used as the major social media
platforms that are commonly used by an activist to organize, mobilize, and create awareness
for the protestors. Through media activism, more information can be shared, and a larger
number of people can be reached in comparison to traditional activism. From lee’s position,
social media activism help in reaching more people, but action needs to be taken in the real
From the speech by Rhimes in Dartmouth speech said that hashtag is not helping.
The social media activism seemed no to be working things out as they expected. Moreover,
she claims that hashtag is not a movement according to her. The point is that a hashtag has
little meaning if no physical action is being taken to actualize the idea. To make it work, one
has to do more than sit behind the computer and type their views, and it needs actions to
mobilize people in the real world. Rhimes assets that Hashtags are pretty on Twitter but
cannot make one Dr.King (Lee, Erin, 1). The speaker in this text insights people to go out and
take action.
Reign claims that Social media has eminent power and has great influence as well as
effective in activism. The young activists have successfully used social media to
communicate and have been able to organize and raise awareness across a geographical area.
She insists that social media activism works and has led to positive results. She also claims

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that those who feel it doesn’t work have not spent enough time being part of the hashtag
activism. In 2016 Regimes successfully sparked a national sensation in the hashtag
#OscarsSoWhite. The hashtag was responding to the lack of diversity in the Oscar
nominations. The hashtag was picked by the mainstream media and led to several celebrities
announced they would boycott the Oscars to protest the lack of diversity in the nomination.
(Lee, 1)As a result, the academy had to make changes to appeal to the people.
Besides, the claim is that people are more connected in the internet platforms more
than in a personal relationship and in the geographical regions. According to Kevin Bui,
social media gives a chance of attaining a greater social conversation with more people.
Social media can help create awareness of the current political and social issues. Putting
messages on social media will help challenge who cares to think about issues in new ways.
Social media does not make significant in student activism (Lee, Erin, 1). Gitlin views social
media movements to be short-term and can be destroyed from enduring efforts. Velasquez
said that the movements generated from social media might not materialize into concrete
institutional change. However, some may result in offline movements. He claims that the
social resources, group cohesion levels, and perception of efficacy influence the success of a
Social media is activism is effective in mobilizing in a movement among adults.
However, Velasquez argued that the degree of effectiveness is dependent on the type of
social media activism. Additionally, he claims that social media can make students increase
their feeling towards achieving political objectives, and they have a greater ability to change
the world with the help of social media (Foreman, Abby, 2).

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Surname 1 How effective is social media activism? The social media activism has greatly been used in changing society and spearheading the social and political changes. Understanding the effectiveness of this form of activism is significant in establishing its weaknesses and strengths and how it could be improved. Social media activism has been used across the globe and has resulted in revolutions that have changed different societies. Facebook and Twitter have been used as the major social media platforms that are commonly used by an activist to organize, mobilize, and create awareness for the protestors. Through media activism, more information can be shared, and a larger number of people can be reached in comparison to traditional activism. From lee’s position, social media activism help in reaching more people, but action needs to be taken in the real world. From the speech by Rhimes in Dartmouth speech said that hashtag is not helping. The social media activism seemed no to be working things out as they expected. Moreover, she claims that hashtag is not a movement according to her. The point is that a hashtag has little meaning if no physical action is being taken to actualize the idea. To make it work, one has to do more than sit behind the computer and type their views, and it needs actions to mobilize people in the real world. Rhimes assets that Hashtags are pretty on Twitter but cannot make one Dr.King (Lee, Erin, 1). The speaker in this text insights people to go ...
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