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Organization Structure and Approaches Essay

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Organisation Structure
The organizational structure is a system that defines the hierarchy of an organization.
The types of organization sutures include the functional, matrix, divisional structure, internal
and external network structure. Organizational culture is much related to the patterns of
values, beliefs and was of coping with experience that develops during the development of an
organizations history. Culture is manifested in physical arrangement and in the behaviour of
organization members. It is the personality of an organization. Both the culture and the
structure share current relationships as well as differences. This easy seeks to explain the
relationship between the e culture and architecture and give an insight on how the two
impacts a business. Also, explain the factors that influence the behaviour of an individual at
the workplace as well as indicating the qualities of the right kind of a person to hire for a job.
The organization structure is divided into a different type that includes functional
structure, divisional structure, matrix structure, and the team structure and network
organization. Functional organization structures are the most common whereby the
departments are categorized according to areas of specialization such as the sales department,
production development, operations. Members of the department perform their project work
over and above their responsibilities to standard departmental work. The departments are
separate, and most of the communication happens within the same function. The heads of the
department convey any communication across the departments (Cuijpers, 2018). This type of
structure may limit discussion within the organization as it creates a boundary between
divisions as each work on its own.

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A matrix organization structure is an integrated hybrid of functional and the divisional
structure that is significant in solving bug problems that cannot be solved losing just one
fabric. The matrix structure is used in multinational organizations since it permits the co-
existence of both functional and divisional structures. Depending on the strength on a matrix
the level of authority varies between the technical and the project manager. The power may
remain with the project manager in cases of active form whereas in a weak matrix the power
resides with the function manager. This structure is advantageous as it maximizes the
flexibility of an organization, supports a strong spirit opt of teamwork, collaboration and
promotes communication by emphasizing horizontal and vertical connection along across
functional lines. Despite its benefits, it may result in power struggles due to the existence of
dual management.
Another significant structure is the multidivisional structure and is mostly used by
companies or organizations with a wide variety of products. Employees are divided into
departments based on the services categories, products or regarding geographical regions.
This structure is mostly used by large companies where the functional structure can no longer
be valid due to .its slow nature in accepting change. In a multi-divisional form, the
organization is categorized into a semi-autonomous division that assigned their support
structure where each department is responsible for its products. However, there is an
oversight office whose duty is to make an overall business strategy. The multi-divisional
structure is beneficial since it helps a firm to serve their consumers’ needs better and also
allows a firm to respond quickly to situations. The structure is not without disadvantages in
that; it is costly to operate than in fictional structure. Secondly, the empowering division may
backfire if the individual in the department level acts centrally to the company’s overall

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Running Head: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 1 Organisation Structure The organizational structure is a system that defines the hierarchy of an organization. The types of organization sutures include the functional, matrix, divisional structure, internal and external network structure. Organizational culture is much related to the patterns of values, beliefs and was of coping with experience that develops during the development of an organizations history. Culture is manifested in physical arrangement and in the behaviour of organization members. It is the personality of an organization. Both the culture and the structure share current relationships as well as differences. This easy seeks to explain the relationship between the e culture and architecture and give an insight on how the two impacts a business. Also, explain the factors that influence the behaviour of an individual at the workplace as well as indicating the qualities of the right kind of a person to hire for a job. The organization structure is divided into a different type that includes functional structure, divisional structure, matrix structure, and the team structure and network organization. Functional organization structures are the most common whereby the departments are categorized according to areas of specialization such as the sales department, production development, operations. Members of the department perform their project work over and above their responsibilities to standard departmental work. The de ...
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