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Thomas Paine and His Common Sense Pamphlet Essay

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Thomas Paine and his Common Sense Pamphlet
The common sense pamphlet by Thomas pain contributed significantly to delegalizing
claim to authority of British colonies. Paine brings the conviction that the idea of the
importance of government is false and that the Americans should not negotiate but claim for
their independence. Thomas viewed negotiation as self-sabotage. In this pamphlet, his point
of view is that the government and society are two different things an idea he builds from a
biblical perspective. According to his writing, he indicated that government was a necessary
evil. Drawing his argument from a philosophical perspective and giving evidence from the
Jews script, he challenges the idea of monarchy. Paine outlines the present state of America
and its potential to win the war against the British rule. His writing came prior to the gaining
of independence of the first states of the United States of America.
Paine derives the origin of the idea of government from the chronic of the Jews and
presents the government as an institution that has its sole purpose is to restrain evil to the
society. In his argument, he distinguishes society from government, and he brings out the
society as something worth striving for while the government is a necessary evil. The value
the community is fostering the fulfilment of our desires whereas that of the government is to
keep people from indulging their vices. He is against the idea of the government oppressing
their subjects since it’s the people who create and support the government; therefore the
people back their poor conditions. According to him, the fundamental purpose of any
government is to provide security and its achievements is to be measured by the extent to

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which it accomplishes this role. This argument gave the people morale to fight for their
independence from the government that did not fulfil its obligation.
Challenging the idea of monarchy and heredity succession, Paine asserts that all
humanity was equal to the genesis of the human race. Therefore the inequality was brought
by circumstance and that distinction lack any religious or natural basis. He brings out the idea
that distinction is not heavenly. Additionally, he separates politics and religion. He aimed to
erase the idea that kings and queens and divine chosen. In a matter of this subject he derives
his argument from the biblical context of the origin of kings. From the books of Samuel in the
Bible, he cites the idea that God is the only one supposed to reign over humankind. From the
Bible, humanity rebelled from God by seeking to have a king to rule over them like the other
heathens. Using this quotation, he persuades the people that rebelling against the government
was not rebelling against God. His concept of government is based on philosophical
speculation but not religious dogmatism. This part of common sense inspired the Americans
to fight for their independence.
Basing his thoughts on the current state of affairs in America, Paine argued against
the misconception held by many Americans. Many people say that America had greatly
flourished under the British rule, it would be necessary for America to remain bound to
British. Paine compared this argument by saying that since a baby has thrived on milk, he
should never eat meat. Besides he argued that if it were not for various Europeans countries
not exerting power over America colonies their situation should have been better and also
argued the irrelevance of the fact that many Americans are British decedents. He branded
British as an enemy who had no legitimate claim to American allegiance, and he was against
reconciliation. The common sense pamphlet unit people to fight for their independence by
using rhetorical questions.

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THOMAS PAINE AND HIS COMMON SENSE PAMPHLET 1 Thomas Paine and his Common Sense Pamphlet The common sense pamphlet by Thomas pain contributed significantly to delegalizing claim to authority of British colonies. Paine brings the conviction that the idea of the importance of government is false and that the Americans should not negotiate but claim for their independence. Thomas viewed negotiation as self-sabotage. In this pamphlet, his point of view is that the government and society are two different things an idea he builds from a biblical perspective. According to his writing, he indicated that government was a necessary evil. Drawing his argument from a philosophical perspective and giving evidence from the Jews script, he challenges the idea of monarchy. Paine outlines the present state of America and its potential to win the war against the British rule. His writing came prior to ...
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