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The President as the Commander in Chief Essay

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The President as the Commander in Chief
The war power in the United States is split between the Congress and the executive to
avoid unilateral executive action. Accordance with the constitution, only the Congress has the
ability to declare war even though the president is the supreme commander in chief of the
armed forces. However, the president has the power to take military action regarding the war
powers act in the case he is responding to an attack or other emergencies. For instance,
President Bush was given the ability to use all necessary and appropriate force against
countries or persons who aided in the attack on sept.11, 2001.
In the many occasions, the president power in military actions has exceeded the
constitutional boundaries as stated in the war powers act. Following the report released by
the congressional research, service indicated that out of 132 reports submitted by the
presidents only the 1975 Mayaguez incident triggered the time limit. Additionally, after the
chemical weapons attack in Syria President Obama requested the Congress to use military
force but the request was rejected. However, despite this prohibition, the president introduced
ground troops and the launch of missiles at Shyrat airbase (Scigliano, Robert, p.216). All
these actions are contrary to the provision stated in the war powers resolution that, the U.S
president can send armed forces to action aboard only by declaration of war by Congress.
In conclusion, the powers of the president should be curtailed to prevent constant wars
our country is in. The statement from the secretary of state that the military intervention in
Libya did not require congressional authorization and also that the administration wound
bypass the law's provision of 60 days limit of illegal military actions (Scigliano, Robert,
p.134). This statement is evidence that the president war powers need to be checked.

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Surname 1 The President as the Commander in Chief The war power in the United States is split between the Congress and the executive to avoid unilateral executive action. Accordance with the constitution, only the Congress has the ability to declare war even though the president is the supreme commander in chief of the armed forces. However, the president has the power to take military action regarding the war powers act in the case he is responding to an attack or other emergencies. For instance, President Bush was given the ability to use all necessary and appropriate force against countri ...
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