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Rise of Huawei Essay

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Running Head: HUAWEI 1
Institution Affiliation

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Rise of Huawei
Huawei Technologies Corporation limited was started in the year 1980 by Ren
Zhengfei to provide telecom services in China (Wittmann, 2015). As a leader and a founder,
he transformed the company into an entity targeting the Chinese market as well as the
international market. Being a humble and a giant sales agency, its sales volumes are primarily
acquired from international partners Huawei, 2010). In due course, the company is ranked as
China the largest leading telecommunication in terms of innovations and revenue (Wittmann,
In 2000s, it has grown into a multinational company and this has enabled to form
partnership with most of the largest European telecommunication operators. For example in
2011, Huawei formed joint ventures with Telefonica and Vodafone which gave it an
opportunity to upgrade its technologies. It got access to developed countries in Europe after it
had acquired enough skills and experiences of dealing and handling diverse and varied
cultures across the world. In Europe, the company faced a stiff competition from European
rivals that were already established. In the long run, Huawei decided to meet the competitive
market by reducing the prices of products and offering powerful incentives to customers to
purchase their products.
Huawei in Switzerland
Huawei is currently in Switzerland since the year 2008 with a company called
Huawei Technologies Switzerland AG, which has employed over three-hundred people in
three central locations which include Dubendorf, Lausanne, and Liebefeld. The company has
attracted almost eighty percent of local experts as staffs because of its multicultural staff
force. Since 2008, the company has been providing solutions to all telecommunication firms

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Running Head: HUAWEI 1 Huawei Name: Institution Affiliation HUAWEI 2 Rise of Huawei Huawei Technologies Corporation limited was started in the year 1980 by Ren Zhengfei to provide telecom services in China (Wittmann, 2015). As a leader and a founder, he transformed the company into an entity targeting the Chinese market as well as the international market. Being a humble and a giant sales agency, its sales volumes are primarily acquired from international partners Huawei, 2010). In due course, the company is ranked as China the largest leading telecommunication in terms of innovations and revenue (Wittmann, 2015). In 2000s, it has grown into a multinational company and this has enabled to form partnership with most of the largest European telecommunication operators. For example in 2011, Huawei formed joint ventures with Telefonica and Vodafone which gave it an opportunity to upgrade its technologies. It got access to developed countries in Europe after it had acquired enough skills and experiences of dealing and handling diverse and varied cultures across the world. In Europe, the company faced a stiff competition from European rivals that were already established. In the long run, Huawei decided to meet the competitive market by reducing the prices of products and offering powerful incentives to customers to purchase their products. Huawei in Switzerland Huawei is currently in Switzerland since the year 2008 with a company called ‘Huawei Technologies Switzerland AG, ...
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