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ECO 110 Strayer University Financial Analysis Explanation Questions

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Assignment 3 Financial Analysis Explanation Word Template
While writing responses to the prompts below, you may need to refer back to the budgets and graphs
you created in the Assignment 3 Financial Analysis Graphs Excel Template. Make sure you have
completed your budget before completing this portion of the assignment.
1. Explain why you chose these particular graphs or charts. How do the graphs or charts you
created help someone understand the financial data?
I used pie charts to show the spending allocations for months 1, 2, and 3 to allow visual checks.
Comparing to other graphs used for financial analysis, pie charts are relatively easier to interpret
because of their visual simplicity. The size of the circle is divided in a manner to represent each
respective quantity. For the case of the Financial Goal Savings Progress, I decided to use a bar
graph because one can easily identify the trend of spending for three months. In this case, it can
be observed that the saving increased substantially from month 1 to month 3, just by looking at
the graph.
2. Discuss the results of your financial analysis, including overall progress toward savings
goals, potential changes in your budget that can be made in the future, and possible
economic or life impacts that may affect your budget in the coming year.
Well, working within a budget is not always an easy exercise, calls for self-discipline,
dedication towards following it. One major goal for developing a budget is to monitor
expenditures at a given time. My monthly budget is not the best. I believe it is not the worst at
the same time. From the financial analysis, it can be observed that housing seems to be allocated
the most significant portion (36% for month 1, 35% for month 2, and 31% for month 3) for three
months. I think this seems okay because it is more of an investment. The savings, however,

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ECO110 Assignment 3 Financial Analysis Explanation Word Template While writing responses to the prompts below, you may need to refer back to the budgets and graphs you created in the Assignment 3 Financial Analysis Graphs Excel Template. Make sure you have completed your budget before completing this portion of the assignment. Questions 1. Explain why you chose these particular graphs or charts. How do the graphs or charts you created help someone understand the financial data? I used pie charts to show the spending allocations for months 1, 2, and 3 to allow visual checks. Comparing to o ...
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