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Alternative Method to Solve Quadratic Equations

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Project #1 This project is about an alternative method to solve quadratic equations, with origins from India. Quadratic equations seem difficult for a lot of students as they have to remember formulas but this method can be really helpful and easy. The solution of two quadratic equations is presented, using this method. a) x 2  2 x  13  0 1st Step Move the constant term to the right side of the equation x 2  2 x  13 2nd Step 2 Multiply each term in the equation by four times the coefficient of x term 2 Coefficient of x in our case is 1, so each term is multiplied by 4 4 x 2  8 x  52 3rd Step Square the coefficient of the original x term and add it to both sides of the equation The coefficient of the original x term is -2, squared gives us 4 4 x 2  8 x  4  52  4 4 x 2  8 x  4  56 4th Step Take the square root of both sides 4 x 2  8 x  ...
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