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PCN 505 GCU Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices Paper

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Grand Canyon University
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Running head: Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices 1
Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices
Michael Applegate
Grand Canyon University
PCN 505
Dr. LaKeisha Boggan
August 26, 2020

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Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices 2
Today’s world is filled with so much political correctness and finger pointing in nearly
every aspect of society, that most dealings between two people in a professional manner are
directed by a code of ethics. Although codes can provide some general guidelines, good
judgment, the willingness to reflect on one’s practices, and being aware of one’s motivations are
critical dimensions of an ethical practitioner” (Corey et al, 2016, p. 254). In the counseling
world, not only are there multiple codes of ethics for the different areas of practice, there are also
laws protecting interactions between a therapist and a client. This paper will attempt to describe
situations where there may be boundary issues relating to dual relationships, working with a
multidisciplinary team, relationships with supervisors and colleagues, and the author’s
developmental thinking about ethics.
Section 1: Boundary Issues with Dual Relationships
There may be times in a counseling setting that boundary-crossing may be warranted for
the benefit of the client. Some questions to consider before are what is the motivation behind the
need? Is it within the treatment plan of the client? One must also take in consideration the
history, culture, values and diagnosis or the client? Also, it must be fully documented and
discussed with the client before the boundary crossing actually happens. (Corey et al. 2015)
From the client’s perspective, it may be beneficial to know their counselor is “speaking
from the heart” when it comes to their current situation. It’s not uncommon for an addiction
counselor to have been a former addict. This simple bit of information coming from a counselor
could be instrumental to helping the client feel more comfortable talking about their own
situation with addiction. Normally personal sharing coming from the counselor might not seem
ethical, but in this situation, it almost seems normal and appropriate.

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Running head: Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices Michael Applegate Grand Canyon University PCN 505 Dr. LaKeisha Boggan August 26, 2020 1 Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices 2 Today’s world is filled with so much political correctness and finger pointing in nearly every aspect of society, that most dealings between two people in a professional manner are directed by a code of ethics. “Although codes can provide some general guidelines, good judgment, the willingness to reflect on one’s practices, and being aware of one’s motivations are critical dimensions of an ethical practitioner” (Corey et al, 2016, p. 254). In the counseling world, not only are there multiple codes of ethics for the different areas of practice, there are also laws protecting interactions between a therapist and a client. This paper will attempt to describe situations where there may be boundary issues relating to dual relationships, working with a multidisciplinary team, relationships with supervisors and colleagues, and the author’s developmental thinking about ethics. Section 1: Boundary Issues with Dual Relationships There may be times in a counseling setting that boundary-crossing may be warranted for the benefit of the client. Some questions to consider before are what is the motivation behind the need? Is it within the treatment plan of the client? One must also take in consideration the history, culture, values and diagnosi ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
