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ACA Code of Ethics and Legal Implications Discussion

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Topic 8 DQ 2
Darla is a Master’s of Arts in Professional Counseling student working at her practicum site.
Mike is a practicum student assigned to the same practicum site as Darla. Both Darla and Mike
report directly to the same site supervisor. About halfway through the practicum, Darla realizes
that many of the clients assigned to Mike for counseling are coming to see her. Comments from
Mike's clients have led Darla to believe that Mike is acting unethically. How should Darla handle
this situation? What are the ethical and legal implications?
If Darla tells her supervisor, and her supervisor does not act on her concerns, what are the ethical
and legal implications?
According to the ACA Code of Ethics I.2.a. Informal Resolution (2014),
When counselors have reason to believe that another counselor is violating or has
violated an ethical standard and substantial harm has not occurred, they attempt to first
resolve the issue informally with the other counselor if feasible, provided such action
does not violate confidentiality rights that may be involved. (p. 19)
Following the Informal resolution section of the ACA Code of Ethics, Darla should first attempt
to have a dialogue with Mike over her concerns. If Mike doesn’t think there is an issue, then
there should be further dialogue with their site supervisor involved. Also, does Darla think
believe there is a potential for harm to the clients. The ACA Code of Ethics I.2.b. (2014) states,
If an apparent violation has substantially harmed or is likely to substantially harm a
person or organization and is not appropriate for informal resolution or is not resolved
properly, counselors take further action depending on the situation. (p. 19)
Reporting ethical violations is a serious matter. She should definitely discuss this with her site
supervisor. They can decide if further action is needed outside of an informal resolution. If her
site supervisor does nothing, then Darla needs to take her concerns to another site supervisor or
another counselor at the facility. She cannot ignore the issue. Someone needs to know about her
concerns. Finally, the ACA Code of Ethics I.2.c dictates (2014),
When uncertain about whether a particular situation or course of action may be in
violation of the ACA Code of Ethics, counselors consult with other counselors who are
knowledgeable about ethics and the ACA Code of Ethics, with colleagues, or with
appropriate authorities, such as the ACA Ethics and Professional Standards Department.
(p. 19)
American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics.
Retrieved Aug 20, 2020 from

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Topic 8 DQ 2 Darla is a Master’s of Arts in Professional Counseling student working at her practicum site. Mike is a practicum student assigned to the same practicum site as Darla. Both Darla and Mike report directly to the same site supervisor. About halfway through the practicum, Darla realizes ...
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