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ENGWR 302 American River College Force that Drives Us Essay

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Name 1 Student Name Professor Corcoran ENGWR 302 1 October 2018 The Force that Drives Us When one feels as if their back is against the wall, he or she will feel a desire to rise and meet the challenge before them. They do this to not only better their own situation, but also that of others. That desire can be commonly defined as hope, but it is not truly that simple to define. Hope is such an abstract and deep concept that defining it becomes somewhat of an issue. However, after studying literary works that concern the true definition and nature of hope, I do believe I have found an answer. Drawing from Rebecca Solnit’s Grounds for Hope, I define hope as the belief that changing the future is possible. Hope is essential because it drives the actions and progress of those who strive for a better future. Before diving deeper into the definition of hope, one must first understand what hope is not. As Solnit infers throughout her essay, hope is neither positive nor negative. It does not follow one simple narrative, she claims it is “not a sunny everything-is-getting-better narrative, though it may be a counter to everything-is getting-worse narrative” (32). Thus, hope is not thi ...
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