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Rasmussen College Class Communication System Plan

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Education & Teaching
Rasmussen University
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Rasmussen College
Communication System Plan

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Communication is key in any organization or institution hence the need for an effective
communication systems plan. Communication systems plans assists in laying out a procedural
manner to facilitate effective communication among various individuals. A school setting should
provide a well layout plan to influence actions for learning and providing a conducive
environment for learners, parents, administrators and other stake holders to perform their roles in
the school setting effectively. Thus, a well laid out communication plan assist in modifying
attitudes, stimulating efforts and enhancing the learning process.
Communication Systems Plan
Intended Grade Level
Grade three students require constant communication. This plan aims at improving
communication and assisting them to open up and learn without any fear. The plan intends to
enhance and improve performances.
Educational Setting
The educational setting is for students at their childhood developmental stages, experiences
various classroom challenges such as shyness and lower performances. Further, the setting is
also for emotional students.
Organization Culture
The organization has a culture of embracing the spirit of togetherness in order to foster activities.
Thus, this communication plan would assist in communicating with every individual in the
organization to give a sense of direction, facilitating togetherness. At grade three, nurturing this
virtue is essential to helping students work harmoniously, bringing other individuals on board to
enhance performances.

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Running head: COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PLAN EPI0001 CLASS MANGMNT Rasmussen College Communication System Plan 1 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PLAN 2 Introduction Communication is key in any organization or institution hence the need for an effective communication systems plan. Communication systems plans assists in laying out a procedural manner to facilitate effective communication among various individuals. A school setting should provide a well layout plan to influence actions for learning and providing a conducive environment for learners, parents, administrators and other stake holders to perform their roles in the school setting effectively. Thus, a well laid out communication plan assist in modifying attitudes, stimulating efforts and enhancing the learning process. Communication Systems Plan Intended Grade Level Grade three students require constant communication. This plan aims at improving communication and assisting them to open up and learn without any fear. The plan intends to enhance and improve performances. Educational Setting The educational setting is for students at their childhood developmental stages, experiences various classroom challenges such as shyness and lower performances. Further, the setting is also for emotional students. Organization Culture The organization has a culture of embracing the spirit of togetherness in order to foster activities. Thus, this communication plan would assist in communicating with every individual in the organization to give ...
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