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General Chemistry Questions

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1. Which best describes the energy change during the reaction? 5. Base your answer to the following question on the table below. H2(g) + Cl2(g) ® 2 HCl(g) A) B) C) D) E) Breaking the H–H bond releases energy Breaking the Cl–Cl bond releases energy Forming the H–Cl bond absorbs energy Forming the H–Cl bond releases energy Breaking the H–CL bond releases energy 2. The attractive force between the protons of one molecule and the electrons of another molecule are strongest A) B) C) D) E) in the solid phase in the liquid phase in the gaseous phase during sublimation during fusion 3. Covalent bonds are the result of the A) B) C) D) E) attraction of electrons to each other attraction of an electron pair by two nuclei elevation of electrons to higher energy levels transfer of electrons from one atom to another the attraction of two nuclei to eachother 4. All chemical bonds result from A) overlapping of unoccupied orbitals of two or more atoms. B) loss of one or more electrons by atoms which are gained by other atoms. C) simultaneous attraction of one electron by two nuclei. D) overlapping of two electron–filled orbitals with different energy levels. E) the attraction of two ions. Which bond has the shortest average bond length? A) B) C) D) E) O–H C–C C=O H–Cl It cannot be determined from the information given. 6. Atom M whose electronegativity is 1.0 combines with atom N whose electronegativity is 3.5. Which diagram best represents the combination? A) M ...
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