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History of University of Nebraska Lincoln Discussion

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History of a College or University University of Nebraska Lincoln
Name and all previous names
Founded in 1869, the school was called the “University of Nebraska”, but as more
universities were chartered in Nebraska, this phrase became the umbrella term that
described them all and the original university located in Lincoln, Nebraska came to be
known as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The football team is what has had
the most name changes at the university. When the school first started playing football in
1890, about twenty years after the school was founded, the team was called the “Old
Gold Knights”. In the following decade they were also called the “Antelopes”, and then
the “Bugeaters”, before finally settling on the “Cornhuskers” in 1902, and this is often
shortened to just the “Huskers” and is the current team name, at this time they also
officially picked the scarlet and cream colors that the team still proudly wears.
Current Institutional mission / vision
The university’s current mission is stated as: “The role of the University of Nebraska
Lincoln as the primary intellectual and cultural resource for the state is fulfilled through
the three missions of the university: teaching, research, and service”. The university
pursues its missions through the Colleges of Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Business,
Education and Human Sciences, Engineering, Hixson Lied College of Fine and
Performing Arts, Journalism and Mass Communications, Law, the university-wide
Graduate College, and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources which includes
the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Agricultural Research
Division, the Cooperative Extension Division, and the Conservation and Survey Division.
Special units with distinct missions include the University Libraries, Online and Distance
Education, International Engagement, the Lied Center for Performing Arts, the Bureau of
Business Research, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, the Sheldon Museum of
Art and Sculpture Garden, the University of Nebraska State Museum, the University of
Nebraska Press, the Water Center, the Nebraska Forest Service, the Nebraska State-wide
Arboretum, and Intercollegiate Athletics.
Any changes through the years in their mission or focus
When the university first received the land grant to begin construction the aim of the
university was stated as “The object of such institution shall be to afford to the
inhabitants of the state the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the various
branches of literature, science, and the arts." Now the main focus of the university is
teaching, research and service which is still similar to what it started out as. The major
difference between the university’s mission now and what it used to be is the cost and
reason for teaching and helping students. Back in the 1800s when it was first started,
UNL was trying to give every student in Nebraska a chance for higher education which
meant that students only paid a small fee for books and services.

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Traditions through the years at the institution
The longest-standing tradition at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln started in 1889 and
is known as Ivy Day. Ivy Day is a celebration of the rising group of Seniors at Nebraska
who have been selected as members for both Senior Class Honorary societies: Mortar
Board (The Black Masque Chapter) and The Innocents Society. Having first been
celebrated with song, dance and the planting of ivy, this day now celebrates Nebraska’s
scholars and also serves as the unofficial transfer of responsibilities from the outgoing
Senior class to the incoming Senior Class. Homecoming is also a big deal at UNL. All the
dorms and the Greek houses compete to get the most points and to win the spirit leaders.
Points are added depending on how many people in your dorm or Greek house attend
Homecoming events throughout the year. The best part is the Homecoming parade. There
is a theme every year and everyone makes a float to represent their dorm or Greek house
and then Friday afternoon they all have a parade and get judged.
The role that athletics plays at the institution
Athletics is a huge deal at UNL, with Husker fans being some of the most loyal within
their league despite the team not doing so well lately. Nebraska Football boasts the
longest sellout streak in the nation currently standing at over three
hundred consecutive games and dating back to 1962. Women’s volleyball is also a big
sport at UNL because the team is really good right now and continues to dominate within
their league. Football and other sports also make a lot of money for the institution, so this
is a major aspect of the university for that reason as well.
What the institution is known for today
UNL is known for its fanbase and the athletics department. As previously stated, the
Husker fanbase is extremely loyal and this makes UNL very well known for their football
and other sports teams as well. The university likes to say that they are well known for
“excellence in undergraduate education” and being a great research institution but in
reality, while education is important and well done at UNL, sports and the Husker
football team is what the school is truly known for.

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History of a College or University – University of Nebraska Lincoln • Name and all previous names Founded in 1869, the school was called the “University of Nebraska”, but as more universities were chartered in Nebraska, this phrase became the umbrella term that described them all and the original university located in Lincoln, Nebraska came to be known as The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The football team is what has had the most name changes at the university. When the school first started playing football in 1890, about twenty years after the school was founded, the team was called the “Old Gold Knights”. In the following decade they were also called the “Antelopes”, and then the “Bugeaters”, before finally settling on the “Cornhuskers” in 1902, and this is often shortened to just the “Huskers” and is the current team name, at this time they also o ...
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