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How City Planning Impacted the History of Paris Discussion

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Question 1: How has city planning impacted the history of Paris? Use some specific examples
from the layout discussions and your knowledge of Parisian history.
The history of Paris is impacted by everything that goes on in the city, and this is especially true
for city planning and urban development throughout the entirety of the history of the city. The
biggest impact on city planning and the history of Paris was undoubtedly the work done by
Georges-Eugène Haussmann. He helped Paris to grow and eventually become the modern city it
is today. Haussmann modernized Paris through the use of large rectilinear avenues and
boulevards, he also normalized neighboring buildings, as well as street furniture. He also heavily
used networked infrastructures to help provide heat, light, sanitation, transportation, and water
around the city, all of these things are now essential in modern cities around the world, and
Haussmann helped to normalize them. In addition to all the good of his city planning,
Haussmann also destroyed a lot of the city and caused some major economic problems for Paris
and its people. The haussmannization of Paris caused rent prices to skyrocket all over the city,
especially for apartments in middle class neighborhoods. This sudden spike in real estate prices
made it so that the working class was forced out of their neighborhoods because they could no
longer afford to live there. This unfortunate disparity between classes did not slow the boom in
apartment living in Paris though, and the new popularity of apartment living in Paris changed
how the streets and the city was seen by the Parisians which helped to shape and impact how
Paris has changed over its history. The apartments that were in the busy streets of Paris made the
private lives of the tenants more public. In apartments, your life was more visible to the public
eye because you were not secluded or out of the way of the public eye, and large windows were
built into the fronts of the buildings as well. Another major impact that Haussmann had on the
history of Paris through his city planning was that he made it so that the only place that the city
could put tramways, railways, and metro systems was where he had already put his massive
boulevards and avenues. So, by doing this, Haussmann effectively managed to choose exactly
where the major modes of transportation throughout the city could be placed and where they
could go within the city as well.

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Question 1: How has city planning impacted the history of Paris? Use some specific examples from the layout discussions and your knowledge of Parisian history. The history of Paris is impacted by everything that goes on in the city, and this is especially true for city planning and urban development ...
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