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Metro System Impacted the Development of The City Discussion

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Question 1: How has the métro system impacted the development of the city? You may use the
readings and/or the website as sources.
The métro system has been hugely influential in the development and continuing evolution of the
city of Paris. Founded in 1900, the métro has been a big part of the city for decades since its first
line was opened. Paris is forever changing and adapting to new innovations and cultures that
blossom in the city, and the métro is another one of the innovations that has shaped the way that
the city developed and continues to develop even now in the twenty-first century. The main
reason that the city and the officials who were in charge of making big decisions in the city
decided to begin constructing a new mode of transportation as vast as the métro would become is
because the streets and even the large boulevards throughout the city were becoming crowded
and difficult to navigate. During the second world war, the métro was used so that people could
still get around the city, but when threats of bombing were bearing down on Paris, the métro
became less and less used because of the imminent danger of being underground when a bomb
would hit. The métro is also one of the main modes of transportation now and in the past for
tourists to use in order to get around the city, the commerce and business that the tourists and by
extension the fame of the métro bring to Paris has also helped the city to develop more and
become more of a tourist attraction. In addition to tourists coming to see the métro and use it to
see other major attractions around the city, the métro also has many ads that showcase local sales
and public happenings around the city. Another aspect of the métro that has influenced the
unique development of the city of Paris is the style of the stations. All of the different stations are
unique and have different art styles so that they are all special and something to see. Many of
them are art deco in style and this is similar to many different monuments and buildings in Paris.
Overall, the métro system and its popularity have had a major influence on the continued
development of the city of Paris.

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Question 1: How has the métro system impacted the development of the city? You may use the readings and/or the website as sources. The métro system has been hugely influential in the development and continuing evolution of the city of Paris. Founded in 1900, the métro has been a big part of the c ...
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