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Why Are Museums Important in Paris Discussion

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Question 1: Why are museums important? What functions do they fulfill in Paris? Use
information from the readings and lectures.
There are over fifty thousand museums all over the world, and over a hundred museums in Paris.
Every single one of them is important to the culture and the life of the city. A huge advantage
that having multiple museums, and especially ones of the caliber of the Paris museums, is that
they create a lot of commerce and business for the city and the vendors within the city. The
Louvre museum is a prime example of this, as it is one of the most famous museums in the world
and brings thousands of tourists to the city each year which also brings along more business and
keeps the city well-funded. The museums in the city are also all very diverse in what they offer
their guests. There are museums dedicated to certain artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci or Van
Gogh, and there are museums that house a certain type of art such as modern art or Renaissance
art. There are also museums that focus on the city of Paris itself such as the Musée Carnavalet
which is dedicated to the history of Paris. These museums teach the population of Paris, as well
as all of the city’s visitors, about the history of art, the famous artists from around the world, and
the city itself, so, part of what makes all of these museums so important is that they are used to
educate the public on different topics. All of the museums that exist in Paris are important
because each is a part of the history and the ambiance and culture of the city. The main function,
of course is to educate and entertain people, not only do people learn about art and history and
culture when they visit the museums, they also get the experience of seeing these unique
masterpieces that are housed in the museums. Another function that many of these museums
have in Paris is to give the city more public green spaces, which is an important aspect due to the
importance that the city of Paris places on having green spaces for all the citizens and visitors.

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Question 1: Why are museums important? What functions do they fulfill in Paris? Use information from the readings and lectures. There are over fifty thousand museums all over the world, and over a hundred museums in Paris. Every single one of them is important to the culture and the life of the city ...
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