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Cupid and Psyche and It Is a Replica of A French Sculpture Essay

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The piece of art that I chose to focus on is called Cupid and Psyche and it is a replica of a French
sculpture titled Psych Revived by Cupid’s Kiss. The small carved replica that Iowa State has is
made of alabaster and is less detailed than the original. This carving depicts two figures, Psych
and Cupid who are lovers and are embracing after a kiss. Psych is laying on the ground with
nothing but a piece of fabric to protect her decency and Cupid’s arm over her chest. Cupid is on
his knees over Psych and has his wings out behind them both. They are looking into each other’s
eyes as if nothing else exists. The figuring is all white but shows signs of aging and
discoloration. The lines are smoothed, and it is not as detailed in the facial and body features of
both Psych and Cupid both. Cupid’s wings are worn, and you can see a little bit of discoloration
on the left wing where it almost looks like it might even crack. The figures blend into each other
and this is because the carving is not as defined as the original sculpture is. The artwork that I
have chosen to compare this statuette too is the frieze of the cupids found in the house of Vettii.
The carving of Cupid and Psych is related to this painting because they both depict Cupid. Both
depictions of cupid show him as youthful and with feathery wings. He is shown doing household
things in the frieze and he is shown as saving his lover in the carving, but both are very
characteristic of him in a mythological sense. These artworks are both very reflective of artwork
in the course because of this mythological theme. Throughout ancient Rome and all over Italy
there are numerous examples of sculptures and paintings that depict mythological creatures and
figures and Cupid is a popular one. It differs from our course because it is made of alabaster
which was not a common thing then as well as it is smaller than sculptures from ancient Rome
and Italy generally used to be.

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The piece of art that I chose to focus on is called Cupid and Psyche and it is a replica of a French sculpture titled Psych Revived by Cupid’s Kiss. The small carved replica that Iowa State has is made of alabaster and is less detailed than the original. This carving depicts two figures, Psych and ...
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