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Modern Technology Plan in Learning Institutions Paper

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Technology Application

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Modern technology plan
Technology implementation has enabled the improvement of performance in various
settings. In the learning institutions, the implementation of technology makes it relatively easy
for the adequate provision of essential services to the learners (Herodotou et al., 2019). The
learners in institutions that may have a practical application of technology may not experience
complex challenges that may affect their overall education. As a learner who have had
experience with the implementation of technology in education, there are several experiences
that I have gained that are likely to assist me in ensuring that I can elevate the overall
performance. As the author suggests, the adoption of modern technology helps in raising the
relationship between the learners and the teachers, thus ensuring that the learners can improve
the overall performance. In relation to the experience of the author, my exposure to technology
in the institution made me gain more skills that enabled me to have a strong relationship with not
only my colleagues but also the teachers. The strong relationship, as the author suggests, enables
one to overcome the barriers that may hinder their academic prosperity. For my case, technology
in the university settings made me overcome the fears that hindered me from consulting in the
areas that I could not understand more.
As opposed to the traditional mode of teaching in which the learners may not feel
appreciated, technology in the learning sector makes the learners feel more appreciated (Barisone
et al., 2019). As the author suggests, limitations may make it hard for learners to feel more
appreciated. Thus the need to put in place means that may address it. The experience that I
gained in the institution as a result of the use of technology-enabled me to connect with the
larger world and to make any necessary corrections on the areas where I could have gone wrong.

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Running Head: TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION 1 Technology Application Name Course Date 2 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Modern technology plan Technology implementation has enabled the improvement of performance in various settings. In the learning institutions, the implementation of technology makes it relatively easy for the adequate provision of essential services to the learners (Herodotou et al., 2019). The learners in institutions that may have a practical application of technology may not experience complex challenges that may affect their overall education. As a learner who have had experience with the implementation of technology in education, there are several experiences that I have gained that are likely to assist me in ensuring that I can elevate the overall performance. As the author suggests, the adoption of modern technology helps in raising the relationship between the learners and the teachers, thus ensuring that the learners can improve the overall performance. In relation to the experience of the author, my exposure to technology in the institution made me gain more skills that enabled me to have a strong relationship with not only my colleagues but also the teachers. The s ...
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