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Anthem College Phoenix
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Ruby Lake Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
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Ruby Lake Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
Ruby Lake neighborhood has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Riverbend City and the
state. Teen pregnancy within this community has grown to a pandemic level. Although teen
pregnancy rates in the sates and Riverbend City have fallen drastically in recent years, this
community’s rate is still high. For instance, Ruby Lake High school’s teen pregnancy rate was
almost double that of the school with the second-highest rate. The high and increasing teen
pregnancy rate has caused significant concern among community members, and experts require
interventions to get implemented. Most teenage girls in this neighborhood usually face
unplanned pregnancies, which can be attributed to several present risk factors. These risk factors
include a high poverty rate and a lack of hope for the future but most girls (Creative Common
Attribution). Most young girls in this community face an unprecedented level of poverty that
exposes them to the risk of teen and unplanned pregnancies. This community is in the Southside
of the city and has around seven thousand three hundred and twenty-four figures from the last
census. With the high unplanned teen pregnancy rate in this community, there is an evident need
for evidence-based interventions to reduce the first time and repeat unplanned pregnancy for
Need For Program
Young girls in the Ruby Lake community are exposed to various risk factors resulting in
unplanned pregnancies. A significant factor contributing to the high pregnancy rate among teens
can get viewed as the high poverty rate in the Ruby Lake community. Among the communities
in Riverbend city, Ruby Lake can get considered as the most underprivileged one. Eleven
percent of the population at Ruby Lake is unemployed. Further, the unemployment rate among
the youth of this community is at nineteen percent. Riverbend city was a central manufacturing

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1 Ruby Lake Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 2 Ruby Lake Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Ruby Lake neighborhood has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Riverbend City and the state. Teen pregnancy within this community has grown to a pandemic level. Although teen pregnancy rates in the sates and Riverbend City have fallen drastically in recent years, this community’s rate is still high. For instance, Ruby Lake High school’s teen pregnancy rate was almost double that of the school with the second-highest rate. The high and increasing teen pregnancy rate has caused significant concern among community members, and experts require interventions to get implemented. Most teenage girls in this neighborhood usually face unplanned pregnancies, which can be attributed to several present risk factors. These risk factors include a high poverty rate and a lack of hope for the future but most girls (Creative Common Attribution). Most young girls in this community face an unprecedented level of poverty that exposes them to the risk of teen and unplanned pregnancies. This community is in the Southside of the city and has around seven thousand three hundred and twenty-four figures from the last census. With the high unplanned teen pregnancy rate in this community, there is an evident need for evidence-based interventions to reduce the first time and repeat unplanned pregnancy for teens. Need For Program Young girls in the Ruby Lake comm ...
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