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The American Revolution

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Bethel University
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The American Revolution
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The American Revolution is one movement in the united states that had a substantial
effect on African Americans at various levels either as slaves or free persons. The first effect
of the American revolution on African Americans was that it changed societys opinion and
perception about slavery which was mainly affecting this group. The American Revolution
spoke against slavery and instead advocated for equality and liberty in society. African
Americans were the primary victims of slavery in the United States, there were those who
were slaves and those who were already free. Fighting in the revolution also helped to rescue
those who were still in the slavery bondage. Soon, the revolution's effect gave them a
significant level of dignity in society as they were no longer slaves and so lived like their
white counterparts.)
The next effect of the American revolution on African Americans was giving them
dignity by making them part of the team that took part in the fight. Their participation in the
revolution earned them respect in the society. During the war, those who supported the
movement were quick to make policies and political moves that focused on eradicating the
slavery vice in society. The revolution was also characterized by so many talks about the
eradication of slavery in society. The talks had a significant impact on the slaves as they
would soon come together as a society and get their freedom from their slavery masters.
The other effect of the revolution that was clear both on the free and enslaved African
Americans was that they were convinced to go to war against the British. The enslaved
believed that the revolution could release them from the chains of slavery, and the free ones
(bad choice of words) were made to understand that the revolution would be a turning point,
and they could enjoy equality in the country. The legislature agreed that the slaves who took
part in the fight as volunteers in the war would be freed, and their owners be compensated.

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Running Head: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The American Revolution Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2 The American Revolution is one movement in the united states that had a substantial effect on African Americans at various levels either as slaves or free persons. The first effect of the American revolution on African Americans was that it changed society’s opinion and perception about slavery which was mainly affecting this group. The American Revolution spoke against slavery and instead advocated for equality and liberty in society. African Americans were the primary victims of slavery in the United States, there were those who were slaves and those who were already free. Fighting in the revolution also helped to rescue those who were still in the slavery bondage. Soon, the revolution's effect gave them a significant level of dignity in society as they were no longer slaves and so lived like their white counterparts.) The next effect of the American revolution on African Americans was giving them dignity by making them part of the team that took part in the fight. Their participation in the revolution earned them respe ...
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