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Cultural Competence

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Purdue University
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Cultural Competence
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Health workers interact with people that originate from various cultural and sociological
backgrounds. Such persons' beliefs vary, and failure to understand this difference may limit the
capacity to offer quality healthcare to such persons. Understanding and recognizing the
differences in culture is critical in influencing health outcomes (Lee et al. 2020). Medical
practitioners working in a culture different from theirs have to carry research to identify with the
new culture to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the patients or the public. Such an understanding
boosts the medics' ability to have diversified perspectives on the expectations of their patients
irrespective of their culture. Patients that feel recognized and understood are likely to share their
medical problems more freely with the physicians. The cultural competence of healthcare givers
and practitioners is a useful tool in boosting society's health outcome.
How Cultural Competence Improves Health Outcome
Cultural competence involves the healthcare organization and practitioners' capacity to
understand the cultural expectations and characteristics of their patients. Competence reduces the
wrong diagnosis insides when there is a perceived language barrier between the physician and
patient (Husson University Online, 2019). Culturally competent physicians understand the clichés and
language of the community where they work, which boosts their interception with the clients.
Besides, the competency promotes a reduction in health disparity caused by inherent bias that
may be identifiable with some medical practitioners. Nurses with cultural competency have
respect for their clients irrespective of their background or physical capabilities. The incidence
contributes to reduced conscious or unconscious medical bias towards people of color in some
healthcare facilities. Patients that view physicians as respectful to their culture and beliefs are

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Running head: CULTURAL COMPETENCE Cultural Competence Student’s Name: Institution Affiliation: 1 2 CULTURAL COMPETENCE Introduction Health workers interact with people that originate from various cultural and sociological backgrounds. Such persons' beliefs vary, and failure to understand this difference may limit the capacity to offer quality healthcare to such persons. Understanding and recognizing the differences in culture is critical in influencing health outcomes (Lee et al. 2020). Medical practitioners working in a culture different from theirs have to carry research to identify with the new culture to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the patients or the public. Such an understanding boosts the medics' ability to have diversified perspectives on the expectations of their patients irrespective of their culture. Patients that feel recognized and understood are likely to share their medical problems more freely with the physicians. The cultural competence of healthcare givers and practitioners is a useful tool in boosting society's health outcome. How Cultural Competence Improves Health Outcome Cultural competence involves the healthcare organization and practitioners' capacity to understand the cultural expectations and characteristics of their patients. Competence reduces the wrong diagnosis insides when there is a perceived language barrier between the physician and patient (Husson University Online, 2019). Culturally competent physicians understand the clichés a ...
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