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Miami Dade College
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Running Head: NURSING 1
Student’s Name
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Cultural Competency in Healthcare
The National CLAS standards are designed to improve health fairness, advance
quality, and aid eradicate health care inequalities by creating a plan for health and health care
institutions. My peers and I use these standards in our nursing practice areas in many
different ways, such as we use the principle of governance, leadership, and workforce to
improve and maintain institutional management and leadership that promote health fairness
through strategy, practices, and assigned resources. It is essential to promote equity in health
care to ensure that all society members have access to quality healthcare services (Think
Cultural Health, 2020). We use the communication and language assistance principle to
provide language support to people who have limited English proficiency or other
communication challenges to improve their access to all health care and services. We also use
the communication and language assistance principle by offering simple print and multimedia
materials in languages commonly used by the local community.
We use the engagement, continuous improvement, and accountability principle to
create culturally and linguistically applicable policies, goals, and management responsibility
and unite them throughout its preparation and operation. We also use the engagement,
continuous improvement, and accountability principle to gather and uphold correct and
consistent population information to monitor and assess the impacts of CLAS on health
equity and results and to improve service delivery (Gendron, Maddux, Krinsky, White,
Lockeman, Metcalfe & Aggarwal, 2013). We may incorporate cultural competency training
to enhance cultural competence in our organization. Cultural competence training aims at
equipping healthcare professionals with skills and knowledge that value diversity,
understand, and address cultural differences. It improves awareness of healthcare providers
and the institution's cultural norms. Training can offer facts about patient cultures and more
complex interventions like intercultural communication skills.

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Running Head: NURSING 1 Nursing Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date NURSING 2 Cultural Competency in Healthcare The National CLAS standards are designed to improve health fairness, advance quality, and aid eradicate health care inequalities by creating a plan for health and health care institutions. My peers and I use these standards in our nursing practice areas in many different ways, such as we use the principle of governance, leadership, and workforce to improve and maintain institutional management and leadership that promote health fairness through strategy, practices, and assigned resources. It is essential to promote equity in health care to ensure that all society members have access to quality healthcare services (Think Cultural Health, 2020). We use the communication and language assistance principle to provide language support to people who have limited Engl ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.


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