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Running head: DOVE CASE 1
Dove Case
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Dove Case
An oversight of Unilever’s business
I am not comfortable with what is going on in the dove case because the Masterbrand campaign
it launched was unqualified, and it gave single identities to a wide range of beauty and health
products. The vivid identity provided was unruly and unmapped on the internet. The real beauty
story was not published in the media. The management felt Dove was abandoning its
responsibilities regarding what they said about the brand and how they were putting its assets at
risk. The company advertised its brand had the selected women feeling taunted instead of
inspired as the set standards were unattainable.
Their campaigns began being controversial regarding what was being advertised and who was
advertising it. Some personnel in the company felt what was being advertised was not matching
the standards of what should have been achieved. One of the general managers further suggested
that “This ad, in retrospect, was an easy transition away from functionality. We were selling a
skin-firming cream, and here we are delivering a functional benefit (Deighton, 2008)." Over the
years, however, Dove's brand advertisement has improved as managers were tasked with raising
back the brand to life back to its market place.
In 2000, the bran split the brand's responsibilities into two. They charged one brand with brand
development and charged the other with building the brand in some markets. The brand's
development was global and centralized while building the brand was decentralized as per the
main geographic regions that were operated by Unilever.

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Running head: DOVE CASE 1 Dove Case Name Course Instructor’s Name Date DOVE CASE 2 Dove Case An oversight of Unilever’s business I am not comfortable with what is going on in the dove case because the Masterbrand campaign it launched was unqualified, and it gave single identities to a wide range of beauty and health products. The vivid identity provided was unruly and unmapped on the internet. The real beauty story was not published in the media. The management felt Dove was abandoning its responsibilities regarding what they said about the brand and how they were putting its assets at risk. The company advertised its brand had the selected women feeling taunted instead of inspired as the set standards were unattainable. Their campaigns began being controversial regarding what was being advertised and who was advertising it. Some personnel in the company felt what was being ...
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