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Health & Medical
New York Institute of Technology
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Public Health and Obesity
Diagnosis of Obesity and Remission
Student’s name
Professor’s name

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Public Health and Obesity
Modern century diseases have received significant attention in the social and medical
fields. Obesity is an everlasting medical issue that has shown a positive prevalence in the United
States of America. The recent data has presented a positive growth and spread of obesity in the
population of the U.S. The media, social, and medical have highlighted the disadvantages of
obesity. The high cost of medical coverage, the negative side effects, the association with chronic
diseases, and the connection to mortality rates have introduced obesity as an epidemic in the
twenty-first century. As a result, the medical field has intervened to initiate public awareness and
treatments to control the spread of obesity. This paper investigates the early establishment of
obesity as a public health problem, defines the diagnosis of obesity in the medical field, and
indicates the proper treatments for obesity.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in America has reported that the prevalence
of obesity is 42% in 2018. The medical field recognizes obesity as an epidemic because of the
ascending rate of obesity around the world. Nonetheless, the indication of obesity as a health issue
has started in the nineties. People’s perception of obesity has evolved as a revision of Obesity in
America book has reported. Overweight and obese individuals have received a biased social
reaction and a negative representation by media (Sterns, 2016). The media perception has
influenced the public view. Correspondingly, appetite control diets have emerged, for example,
the widespread of the popular glandular treatment (Sterns, 2016). Subsequently, the medical field’s
concern about the side effects of obesity has arisen (Sterns, 2016). Physicians' focus has
highlighted serious health risks in obese patients (Sterns, 2016). Ultimately, researchers have
associated obesity with health risks such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, and other conditions
(Rosenthal et al., 2017). The elevated health risks and the positive correlation of obesity and

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Public Health and Obesity Diagnosis of Obesity and Remission Student’s name Institute Class Professor’s name Date Public Health and Obesity 2 Modern century diseases have received significant attention in the social and medical fields. Obesity is an everlasting medical issue that has shown a positive prevalence in the United States of America. The recent data has presented a positive growth and spread of obesity in the population of the U.S. The media, social, and medical have highlighted the disadvantages of obesity. The high cost of medical coverage, the negative side effects, the association with chronic diseases, and the connection to mortality rates have introduced obesity as an epidemic in the twenty-first century. As a result, the medical field has intervened to initiate public awareness and treatments to control the spread of obesity. This paper investigates the early establishment of obesity as a public health problem, defines the diagnosis of obesity in the medical field, and indicates the proper treatments for obesity. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in America has reported that the prevalence of obesity is 42% in 2018. The medical field recognizes obesity as an epidemic because of the ascending rate of obesity around the world. Nonetheless, the indication of obesity as a health issue has started in the nineties. People’s perception of obesity has evolved as a revision of Obesity in America book has reported. Overweight and obese individual ...
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