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Nr 224 fundamentals final exam review

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NR 224: Fundamentals Final Exam Review I I I I I 1. Infectious Idisease Istages: a. Incubation: IInterval Ibetween Ientrance Iof Ipathogen I into Ibody Iand Iappearance Iof I first Isymptoms I(e.g., Ichickenpox, I14 Ito I16 Idays Iafter Iexposure; Icommon Icold, I1 ItoI2 Idays; I influenza, I1 Ito I4 Idays; I measles, I10 Ito I12 Idays; I mumps, I16 Ito I18 Idays; IEbola I2 Ito I21 Idays I(CDC, I2015b). b. Prodromal: IInterval I from Ionset Iof I nonspecific Isigns Iand Isymptoms I(malaise, I lowgrade I fever, I fatigue) Ito I more Ispecific Isymptoms. I (During Ithis Itime I microorganisms I grow Iand I multiply, Iand Ipatient I may Ibe Icapable Iof Ispreading Idisease Ito Iothers.) IFor Iexample, I herpes Isimplex Ibegins Iwith I itching Iand I tingling IatIt he Isite Ibefore Ithe I lesion Iappears. c. Illness IStage: IInterval I when Ipatient I manifests Isigns Iand Isymptoms Ispecific Ito Itype of I infection. IFor Iexample, Istrep I throat I is I manifested Iby Isore Ithroat, Ipain, Iand Iswelling; I mumps I is I manifested Iby Ihigh I fever, Iparotid Iand Isalivary Igland Iswelling. d. Convalescence: IInterval Iwhen Iacute Isymptoms Iof I infection Idisappear. I(Length Iof recovery Idepends Ion Iseverity Iof I infection Iand Ipatient's I host Iresistance; IrecoveryImay Itake Iseveral Idays Ito I months.) 2. What Iare Ithe I normal I levels Iof IWBCs I in Ithe Iblood? a. 5,000 Ito I10,000 I mm3 Ibut I typically I rises Ito I15,000 Ito I20,000 I mm3 Iand I higher Idu ...
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