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Nursing Leadership

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Florida International University
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Components of Nursing Leadership Role
Nurse leaders have various roles in health care institutions. One component of nursing
leadership role is to advocate for nurses and patients. The advocacy for the nurses in the health
care facility include ensuring appropriate allocation of resources and promoting a conducive
working environment to guarantee quality care provision for the patients (Fernandes, Araújo &
Pereira, 2018). Nursing leaders are the key to providing quality health care to patients since they
have leadership skills that enable them to determine the needs of the patients for a speedy
recovery. Therefore, they should ensure that the patients receive quality care while receiving
treatment in the health care institution. Also, nursing leaders have the role of leading health
promotions and disease prevention efforts in a health care institution since they have a specialty
of overseeing the integration of patient care, including the development of effective treatment
plans, evaluation of treatment results, and management of the patient’s medical teams.
As a future nursing leader, discuss how you may apply the transformational leadership
model in your work setting when faced with a crisis
Transformational leadership is a kind of leadership in which the leaders encourage,
inspire, and motivate their juniors to create changes that will assist growth and development of
the organization. As a future nursing leader, I can apply the transformational leadership model in
my work setting when faced with crisis to encourage, inspire, and motivate the staff members by
setting a good example for them to follow suit (Alqatawenh, 2018). I would encourage the staff
that as an organization, we will overcome the crisis and emerge victorious despite the magnitude
of the hardship. I would further inspire them by coming up with ideas and also urging all of them
to come up with creative ideas to solve the crisis. I would take all suggestions as important to
make all staff members feel relevant in the organization. Based on the transformational
leadership model, I would motivate the employees by commending them to their efforts to solve
the crisis.
Alqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change
management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 19(1), 17-24.
Fernandes, R., Araújo, B., & Pereira, F. (2018). Nursing management and leadership approaches
from the perspective of registered nurses in Portugal. Journal of Hospital Administration,
7(3), 1-8.

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Components of Nursing Leadership Role Nurse leaders have various roles in health care institutions. One component of nursing leadership role is to advocate for nurses and patients. The advocacy for the nurses in the health care facility include ensuring appropriate allocation of resources and promot ...
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