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Answer Personal Narrative Essay

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Northern Virginia Community College
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Personal Narrative Essay
My young age significantly contributed to whom I am today. The events, situations, and
environment that I was exposed to played a significant role in fostering my habits and character.
Important to note, my young age's most significant aspect that shaped who I become was my cousin
Collins. The events my family and I went through largely impacted my life. Collins, one of my
best friends formed the significant part of my life. I believe most of that manifestation came
through him because I was relatively young to feel the impact of what was going on around me if
any. Since he was a bit older, probably 16 at that time, he would feel the weight of life changes.
Furthermore, I spent most of the time with him as a kid, an instance that led to a series of
frustrations and life challenges.
In connection to one of the class reading’s, I compare my cousin Collins to the Tomkey's
family, although my cousin was relatively closer to me than the Tomkeys were to the narrator's
family (Sedaris, 8). However, the narrator considered the Tomkeys family close because he could
watch their children at school and the family at dinner from the garden bush. My family took in
my cousin a while before I was born after he had lost his mother, and his father could not take care
of him back in Spain. My family lived with him as their son.

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When my father took my cousin in, he worked at a rural shop, which provided enough for
the family. However, he lost his job at that rural shop, and life was unbearable for us. He decided
to move us to the United States to seek a better life for us. Collins did not want to leave Spain
because he had fallen in love with a girl in school, and he could not stand the idea of leaving her.
My parents did not make him come with us because they had always been so lenient with him, so
he could not feel mistreated for losing her mother. My parents give him a choice to stay, but it was
not a choice since he had nowhere to stay, and his father had a mental illness at the time and could
not take him in even if he wanted. His girlfriend encouraged him to come with us with the promise
of having a future together after school, the teenage dreams.
After moving into the United States, we were lucky to settle quite fast with my parents
taking up a few cleaning jobs here and there. We began schooling again, and when not in school,
my cousin would babysit me. I was third grade at that time, and he was a high school teenager.
However, my Collins began getting emotional disturbance because he imagined that her girlfriend
had possibly been taken since, as he said, "my classmates would do anything to take her from me."
It was weird that he told me all these stories because I was the only person he would tell. Like in
the story "Us and Them," where the narrator could understand how overall things one didn't believe
in television at this age, I wondered why Collins missed a girl over all other things in Spain
(Sedaris, 10). It was hard for him to make friends here in the United States because he was ashamed
of his Spanish accent, which didn't seem to let go of him.
His girlfriend's idea of being taken away became so severe that he became depressed and
started getting into fights, only in his dreams, though. We used to sleep in the same room because
there was no money for a bigger house. One night he struck me, asking me, “Why the hell did you
tell her that my father mentally unstable?” That incident opened up the bleeding pain within him,

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor Course Date Personal Narrative Essay My young age significantly contributed to whom I am today. The events, situations, and environment that I was exposed to played a significant role in fostering my habits and character. Important to note, my young age's most significant aspect that shaped who I become was my cousin Collins. The events my family and I went through largely impacted my life. Collins, one of my best friends formed the significant part of my life. I believe most of that manifestation came through him because I was relatively young to feel the impact of what was going on around me if any. Since he was a bit older, probably 16 at that time, he would feel the weight of life changes. Furthermore, I spent most of the time with him as a kid, an instance that led to a series of frustrations and life challenges. In connection to one of the class reading’s, I compare my cousin Collins to the Tomkey's family, although my cousin was relatively closer to me than the Tomkeys were to the narrator's family (Sedaris, 8). However, the narrator considered the Tomkeys family close because he could watch their children at school and the family at d ...
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