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Single Case Design Presentation

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Our Lady of the Lake University
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Single Case Design Presentation BY ANTONIO PALMA OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY Goal Identification  Goal: Reduce or stop the consumption of chips.  Chips are defined as lays, Pringles, Doritos, or other common chip varieties.  Typical weekly chip consumption: 5 small bags or 1.5 large bags. Objective and Dependent Variable  Dependent Variable: Cholesterol (HDL, LDL, Triglycerides) and weight  Independent Variable: Chip consumption Intervention  Food journal for Chip consumption  How many chips eaten  When and where did consumption occur?  What factors led to consumption? Stress, starvation, improper diet, thirst Implementation, Monitoring, Data Gathering Plan   Implementation: I will stop eating chips at the start of experiment, keep food journal to hold myself accountable and continue to record me weight. Monitoring: Food journal for chip consumption  Data Gathering: Baseline lipid panel at start of intervention.  Will gather lipid panels and weight multiple times during intervention. (Lobo et al, 2017).  Post-experimental: Repeat lipid panel at the end of study. Design Type  AB design study. (Kazdin, 2019)  Chosen to allow for baseline (A) and then intervention (B) (Lobo, et all 2017).  Black Shadows are days when chips were eaten. Data Analysis and Findings  Chip consumption reduction to 1 small bag a week.  80% Chip consumption reduction  More likely to eat chips wh ...
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