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HCA430 Vulnerable Population Summary and Proposed Program

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1 Vulnerable Population Summary and Proposed Program Abbigale Allen HCA 430 Catherine Amitrano October 5, 2013 -1- 1. Vulnerable Please place running head above. [Catherine Amitrano] 1 Description of Funding Opportunity 1. Description Center one heading and don't forget a running head. [Catherine Amitrano] Purpose 2 People being diagnosed with mental conditions have plagued the United State for many of centuries and continues to evolve and has become an epidemic. Despite the progress for reduction, 2. People Indent each paragraph. [Catherine Amitrano] treatment, and prevention in mortality and morbidity, mental conditions differences continue to be challenging and needs to be addressed. This inspires research to recognize the role(s) which mental condition plays in fueling the pandemic in susceptible to groups and create efficient interventions to stop new conditions and enhance the prosperity and health of people living with mental conditions. It is important for research to be guided in the direction for understanding the elements 3 (behavioral, psychological, environmental, biological, etc.) responsible for the knowledge of the unequal burden of mental condition among vulnerable groups (age, race, culture, and gender) throughout the United States. This would be a clinic for low income and those who have no insurance and primarily serving the poor. It will be not-for-profit base with intentions of partnering with other organizations that are not-for- profit. All ...
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