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Community Disaster And Referral Plan

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West Liberty University
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Community Disaster and Referral Plan
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Community Disaster and Referral Plan
Treatment Plan for Self
When engaging in crisis intervention work, there is a need for adequate preparation, since
the work is usually very demanding. In most cases, crisis intervention work can be very draining
since the teams work in severe operating conditions. For instance, when responding to natural
disasters, the individuals working as a response to the crisis are exposed to harsh working
conditions with minimal access to basic commodities, such as food. There is also severe stress
and pressure, which arises as a result of severe working conditions and hostile environments
(American Counseling Association, 2020). Therefore, having a treatment plan that covers the
prominent areas that are likely to most impacted by the work is essential in facilitating a smooth
flow of activities.
In addressing the spiritual needs for crisis intervention workers, there is a need to develop
different practices that will be performed daily to address spiritual needs. In most cases, when
the spiritual body is not functioning well, the body is severely affected, and this results in
reduced energy levels (American Counseling Association, 2020). Therefore, some practices,
such as meditation daily, will play an instrumental role in addressing the spiritual needs of the
body. Other practices, such as reading different religious publications during free time, would
also help in spiritual nourishment; this increases one's functionality and energy levels (Blanchet

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1 Community Disaster and Referral Plan Student's Name Institutional Affiliations Course Professor's Name Date 2 Community Disaster and Referral Plan Treatment Plan for Self Overview When engaging in crisis intervention work, there is a need for adequate preparation, since the work is usually very demanding. In most cases, crisis intervention work can be very draining since the teams work in severe operating conditions. For instance, when responding to natural disasters, the individuals working as a response to the crisis are exposed to harsh working conditions with minimal access to basic commodities, such as food. There is also severe stress and pressure, which arises as a result of severe working conditions and hostile environments (American Counseling Association, 2020). Therefore, having a treatment plan that covers the prominent areas that are likely to most impacted by the work is essential in facilitating a smooth flow of activities. Spiritual In addressing the spiritual needs for crisis intervention workers, there is a need to develop different practices that will be performed daily to address spiritual needs. In most cases, when the spiritual body is not functioning well, the body is severely affected, and this results in reduced energy levels (American Counseling Association, 2020). Therefore, some practices, such as meditation daily, will play an instrumental role in addressing the spiritual needs of the body. Other practices, such as reading different religiou ...
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