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Discussion Gaining Influence And Leadership

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Discussion “Gaining Influence and Leadership"
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Discussion “Gaining Influence and Leadership"
Which of the four determinants of personal power does Ben Kaufman, founder of Kluster
seem to possess?
Ben Kaufman seems to possess a significant degree of these four determinants,
however, expertise and personal attraction are what he possesses the most. His co-workers in
the video describe him as a charismatic person. He knows his expertise in his strengths as a
manager and with ideas that he has, but he is also aware of the weakest level of his expertise.
He also knows when to delegate tasks on to someone who is more suited with proper skills to
complete the tasks. Besides, his vision is always to complete the task, and that delegating it to
someone else is aimed at helping to achieve that goal and getting the work completed rather
than taking away his ideas. He puts a lot of effort into getting a task completed by delegating
work and offering his knowledge and assistance when needed.
Which influence strategy does Ben Kaufman seem to utilize most frequently?
Ben Kaufman seems to be utilizing reason with some sense of urgency most frequently.
In the video, he asks people to just do a task and he cares less abbot popularity. He will keep
on asking how he can help them and continue to ask if the work is done or what is needed to
complete the task over and over until the job is complete. The video notes that Kaufman’s
expertise in the company is self-recognized. However, he understands when to visit his
colleagues. He allows other people to share their opinion even though he does not believe in
perfect democratic popularity. He has an eager personality that makes him influence his
workers to complete a task.
What are your thoughts on Ben's personal power and influence strategies?
My thoughts on Ben's personal power and influence strategies are that he possesses
expertise power. He has the knowledge and skill on how tasks should be done. He is very
willing to offer his knowledge to other people to help them complete a task. I think that

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DISCUSSION “GAINING INFLUENCE AND LEADERSHIP" Discussion “Gaining Influence and Leadership" Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 DISCUSSION “GAINING INFLUENCE AND LEADERSHIP" 2 Discussion “Gaining Influence and Leadership" Which of the four determinants of personal power does Ben Kaufman, founder of Kluster seem to possess? Ben Kaufman seems to possess a significant degree of these four determinants, however, expertise and personal attraction are what he possesses the most. His co-workers in the video describe him as a charismatic person. He knows his expertise in his strengths as a manager and with ideas that he has, but he is also aware of the weakest level of his expertise. He also knows when to delegate tasks on to someone who is more suited with proper skills to complete the tasks. Besides, his vision is always to complete the task, and that delegating it ...
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