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Great Lakes

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University of Memphis
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Running head: TOPIC 1
[Name of Student]
September 27, 2020

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Great Lakes chemical corporation has become a monopolistic operator of TEL
corporations and one of the most significant controllers of lead additives of gasoline Octal. The
company gains a lot of respect and acceptance across the world. Within a concise time, Great
Lakes left a profound global impact and attracted investors, as well as the company stood as one
of the firms and a financially stable position. But soon, the unethical production of lead to meet
with growing demand from across the world has been revealed. TEL produced by Great Lakes
contributes to cancer, brain damage, and mental deuteriation in children. The company fails to
meet with the ethical requirements and expectations of the community because its activities left
negative and challenging outcomes. Failure to meet with corporate social responsibility and to
hurt standards of business is the ethical issue that Dr. Rachel highlighted in the chapter. And the
solution suggested is to develop a non-TEL business that does not hurt the environmental and
economic concerns of the community. When the truth about the production and negative
consequences of TEL produced by Great Lakes revealed, numerous countries such as the US
banned it (Donaldson, 2008, p. 440-442)

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Running head: TOPIC 1 Topic By [Name of Student] September 27, 2020 TOPIC 2 Great Lakes chemical corporation has become a monopolistic operator of TEL corporations and one of the most significant controllers of lead additives of gasoline Octal. The company gains a lot of respect and acceptance across the world. Within a concise time, Great Lakes left a profound global impact and attracted investors, as well as the company stood as one of the firms and a financially stable position. But soon, the unethical production of lead to meet with growing demand from across the world has been revealed. TEL produced by Great Lakes contributes to cancer, brain damage, and mental deuteriation in children. The company fails to meet with the ethical requirements and expectations of the community because its activities left negative and challenging outcomes. Failure to meet with corporate social re ...
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