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24740515 Natureview Farm Memo.edited

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Montana State University - Billings
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SUBJECT: Natureview Farm
Major Problem / Summary of Recommendations
Natureview Farm has been operating for many years and has been experiencing some
problems. The major problem is that the firm is experiencing imminent insolvency if the nature of
its venture capital firm decides to cash out. Even with the firm experiencing an increase in profits
($13 million to $20 million in 2001) each year, this calls for a strategic plan to be formulated. An
action plan is essential when looking to change the usual way of doing things in a firm. The action
plan will be beneficial as it will help in bailing out Natureview Farm by increasing its sales revenue
to 20 million dollars, as it struggles to remain solvent before the acquisition
. The action plan will
have the recommendation best suited for the firm at the moment.
Rationale Behind the Recommendations
The recommendations were made as they will help the firm in achieving its objectives and
goals. The main aim of remaining financially stable and, at the same time, providing and supplying
their customers with quality products. In doing so, the mission of being financially independent
will be achieved. In as much as the action plan is in place, there is some risk that might be
. From history and information are given, Natureview Farm has an alarming problem that needs to be addressed as
soon as possible. This can be done by increasing its sales revenue.

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. Therefore, the firm should be ready for anything as it tries to increase its sales
Action Plan
The action plan will help make sure the firm stays firmly as it operates and makes its
products available for its customers. Marketing strategies have been formulated to assist in meeting
the goals. The firm has already made up its objectives. The action plan will work by providing
straightforward ways of how the objective will be achieved
. The company can liaison with
nationwide distributors and engage in promotional marketing. This projection shows a high return,
and the firm will have achieved its goals to extend or even reach 35 million dollars.
. There are high chances that the firm might experience unprecedented losses, which is as a result of unexpected
competition. Supermarkets get to have alternative products, and this makes competition to Natureview Farm
Natureview Farm action plan will have three main things that will help to increase and earning the required sales
revenue. Firstly, they will have to change and expand the 6 SKUs of its product line 8 oz in the regions with
supermarkets as the cups represent a higher dollar hence significant revenue potential. Secondly, they will have to
expand 4 SKUs, which deal with 32 oz national production. Third, the firm will introduce 2 SKUs for a multi-pack for
children into the natural foods channels and do away with the supermarkets.

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TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Natureview Farm Major Problem / Summary of Recommendations Natureview Farm has been operating for many years and has been experiencing some problems. The major problem is that the firm is experiencing imminent insolvency if the nature of its venture capital firm decides to cash out. Even with the firm experiencing an increase in profits ($13 million to $20 million in 2001) each year, this calls for a strategic plan to be formulated. An action plan is essential when looking to change the usual way of doing things in a firm. The action plan will be beneficial as it will help in bailing out Natureview Farm by increasing its sales revenue to 20 million dollars, as it struggles to remain solvent before the acquisition1. The action plan will have the recommendation best suited for the firm at the moment. Rationale Behind the Recommendations The recommendations were mad ...
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