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Cyber Intelligence

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Computer Science
Florida State University
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Cyber Intelligence
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In the contemporary world, technology has significantly advanced, and organizations
have embraced various measures to control the amount of data being inter-exchanged.
Organizations embrace different systems to secure their data and information, thereby making it
possible to prevent loss of data through employees. Most organizations store data, information,
or images in digital format (Varol & Sönmez, 2017). This has increased cases of criminal
activities via computers used by employees to access restricted files. It has become paramount
for organizations to enforce laws that prevent employees from violating access controls. In this
assessment, the primary purpose is to perform a comprehensive forensic analysis plan to help
corporate clients mitigate an issue regarding employees accessing images that are strictly
prohibited based on the Terms of Use. Typically, forensic analysis involves a detailed
investigation to detect and document the impacts of security issues or violations of Terms of Use.
In the forensic analysis, phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 will address the issue.
Phase 1: Identification and Preparation
Mainly, this is the first step in forensic analysis that the organization will use to mitigate
the issue. The primary objective of this phase to determine how the ICS operates. In this phase,
the organization will determine whether the information available is adequate to proceed with the
forensic investigation (Varol & Sönmez, 2017). The organization will ensure that the employees'
system works properly to prove that the alleged violations were committed.
It would be important for the organization to duplicate the forensic data to ensure it has
integral value and that the Terms of Use are enforced through the standard law as the
organization creates a forensic image. Moreover, this phase involves the seizing of data to ensure
the organization obtains the original evidence. During identification, the organization will

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Running head: CYBER INTELLIGENCE Cyber Intelligence Student’s Name: Institution Affiliation: 1 CYBER INTELLIGENCE 2 Introduction In the contemporary world, technology has significantly advanced, and organizations have embraced various measures to control the amount of data being inter-exchanged. Organizations embrace different systems to secure their data and information, thereby making it possible to prevent loss of data through employees. Most organizations store data, information, or images in digital format (Varol & Sönmez, 2017). This has increased cases of criminal activities via computers used by employees to access restricted files. It has become paramount for organizations to enforce laws that prevent employees from violating access controls. In this assessment, the primary purpose is to perform a comprehensive forensic analysis plan to help corporate clients mitigate an issue regarding employees accessing images that are strictly prohibited based on the Terms of Use. Typically, forensic analysis involves a detailed investigation to detect and document the impacts of security issues or violations of Terms of Use. In the forensic analysis, phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 will address the issue. Phase 1: Identification and Preparation Mainly, this is the first step in forensic analysis that the organization will use to mitigate the issue. The primary objective of this phase to determine how the ICS operates. In this phase, the organization will determine whethe ...
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