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The Ministry of Health’s Strategy for Quality Assurance and Patient Safety
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As a framework for economic growth and general prosperity, the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia adopted Vision 2030. The vision outlined the Kingdoms aims to be a worldwide
leader by accomplishing three primary aims: a lively culture, a booming economy, and a
forward-thinking country. To achieve this, the Kingdom announced a National
Transformation Program (NTP) in June 2016, as detailed in Vision 2030. The NTPs have
eight elements, one of which is healthcare change. In Saudi Arabia, medical institutions have
a nearly century-long tradition. Even though the Kingdom has achieved significant growth in
the latest generations in terms of enhancing the health of its people, it still has to upgrade its
healthcare structure to meet the vision 2030 target. This paper aims to examine the
Ministry of Healths (MOH) vision and plan for improving healthcare quality and safety for
all Saudi Arabian residents.
The MOH vision and strategy on;
a. Health Literacy and Education
The Ministry of Health's Vision 2030 incorporates health literacy and education. The
Ministry of Health has applied contemporary approaches in creating a patient-based care
system that aims to address patients' health requirements in the right location at the
appropriate time via the existing strategic plan. The General Department of Quality
Assurance and Patient Safety encourages patients to learn about their rights, like the right to
know about their ailment, the right to know about medical interventions, the right to pick
their health professional, and the right to be medicated with care and dignity at all times.
These issues previously received little focus; however, they have become one of the strategy's
key goals.

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1 The Ministry of Health’s Strategy for Quality Assurance and Patient Safety Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Date 2 Introduction As a framework for economic growth and general prosperity, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adopted “Vision 2030.” The vision outlined the Kingdom’s aims to be a worldwide leader by accomplishing three primary aims: a lively culture, a booming economy, and a forward-thinking country. To achieve this, the Kingdom announced a National Transformation Program (NTP) in June 2016, as detailed in “Vision 2030.” The NTPs have eight elements, one of which is healthcare change. In Saudi Arabia, medical institutions have a nearly century-long tradition. Even though the Kingdom has achieved significant growth in the latest generations in terms of enhancing the health of its people, it still has to upgrade its healthcare structure to meet the “vision 2030” target. This paper aims to examine the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) vision and plan for improving healthcare quality and safety for all Saudi Arabian residents. The MOH vision and strategy on; a. Health Literacy and Education The Ministry of Health's Vision 2030 incorporates health literacy and education. The Ministry of Health has applied contemporary approaches in creating a patient-based care system that aims to address patients' health requirements in the right location at the appropriate time via the existing strategic plan. The General Department of Quali ...
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