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World History Since 1500 2

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Johnson & Wales University
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Running head: WORLD HISTORY SINCE 1500 1
World History Since 1500
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The Western world has wielded more power if certain conditions were not taking
place. The stagnating military capabilities, the reducing territory, and reducing industrial
products since industrialization is advanced contribute to the declining western pre-eminence.
The weakening of political controls and demographic dynamics also makes the domination of
the west difficult. Political controls such as the National Atlantic Traders Organization
(NATO) also have a weaker use in boosting the dominance of the west. When people are
transformed through education, certain restrictions are difficult to impose. As the world is
growing speedy, countries that were poor, un-urbanized, and with an illiterate population
were more dominated by the west. However, several reasons are making the westerners
difficult to continue their dominance. The paper discusses the reasons why Westerners are
and will never dominate the world.
Military Capability
The dominance of the west is on the decline as several countries are gaining military
prowess. Military capability is one function of dominance of a country. The west has been
cutting budgetary expenditures on the military as well as the development of weaponry. For
instance, the United States, under the Bush-Clinton administration, made excessive budgetary
cuts on military expenditure. European countries are also following the same trajectory. On
the contrary, Asian tigers are on the race to develop sophisticated militaries (Huntington,
1996). A sufficing example is of the race to develop weapons of mass destruction of Kim
Jong-un of North Korea. The figures of the Iraqi war justify that the United States leading the
pack of western countries have weakened militaries.

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Running head: WORLD HISTORY SINCE 1500 World History Since 1500 Student Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Course Due Date 1 WORLD HISTORY SINCE 1500 2 Introduction The Western world has wielded more power if certain conditions were not taking place. The stagnating military capabilities, the reducing territory, and reducing industrial products since industrialization is advanced contribute to the declining western pre-eminence. The weakening of political controls and demographic dynamics also makes the domination of the west difficult. Political controls such as the National Atlantic Traders Organization (NATO) also have a weaker use in boosting the dominance of the west. When people are transformed through education, certain restrictions are difficult to impose. As the world is growing speedy, countries that were poor, un-urbanized, and with an illiterate population were more dominated by the west. However, several reasons are making the westerners difficult to continue their dominance. The paper discusses the reasons why Westerners are and will never dominate the world. Military Capability The dominance of the west is on the decline as several countries are gaining military prowess. Military capability is one function of dominance of a country. The west has been cutting budgetary expenditures on the military as well as the development of weaponry. For instance, the United States, under the Bush-Clinton administration, made excessive budgetary cuts on military e ...
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