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Question 1638094

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Examine similarities in high- and low-context communication styles among your team
members. What implication do these similarities have for the various functions of
teamwork (e.g., collaboration, coordination, facilitation, leadership, scheduling, decision-
making, document-controlling, goal-setting, conflict-management)? Provide examples of
situations where similarities in communication styles had an impact on your team
members’ interactions and work (Go back to your self-reflection and team-reflection
workbooks. Your reflections in these workbooks should help you answer this question in
more depth).
The high and low context communication styles in the team members are similar in that
both offer a prevalent model in the worker's intercultural communication. Our team consists of
doing a lot of activities simultaneously. Besides, there are different communication types like
holding meetings, the use of emails, and open-door when it comes to communication. In this
case, the high and low-context communication styles correspond very well to the team's
polychronic and monochronic culture. Also, the high and low-context communication styles are
similar as they help the team members illustrate and comprehend certain situations and
surroundings at work. Due to the similarities in high- and low-context communication styles,
there has been stronger team affiliation, productivity has been enhanced, a better cooperative
spirit has been promoted, and task outcome has enabled the team members to be focus hence
becoming more competent. Politics among the team, whereby some members would gossip and
keep others in the dark hoping to implement their plans for their career ambitions, is an example
of a solved situation through the similarities in high- and low-context communication styles. The
problem was combated through the imposition of open communication and holding of meetings.

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Examine similarities in high- and low-context communication styles among your team members. What implication do these similarities have for the various functions of teamwork (e.g., collaboration, coordination, facilitation, leadership, scheduling, decisionmaking, document-controlling, goal-setting, conflict-management)? Provide examples of situations where similarities in communication styles had an impact on your team members’ interactions and work (Go back to your self-reflection and team-reflection workbooks. Your reflections in these workbooks should help you answer this question in more ...
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