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Behavioral And Humanistic Theory

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Social Science
ashford university
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Behavioral and Humanistic Theory
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Behavioral and Humanistic Theory
Over the years, professional school counselors have played an essential role in providing
responsive services by applying a wide range of clinical approaches to address student and staff
problems. Notably, there are several counseling theories and techniques that have been useful for
school counselors. These theories and methods shape how the school counselors provide
therapeutic interventions in different situations. Most of the approaches have been developed
from evidence-based practices or based upon other ideas about human functions. Additionally,
numerous variables determine the success of counseling theories and methods. A single
counseling approach applied by two counselors may not give the same results due to each case's
variables. One of the significant variables that determine the success of each theory is the
counselor's personality traits. According to Aardema & Wong (2020), clinical approaches and
views can only give positive results when they fit the counselor's personality traits. Given the
nature of school counseling, counselors need to know the differences between the theories to
provide suitable interventions for different cases. The counselors need to know the ideas that fit
their personality traits and comfortably provide therapeutic intervention. Therefore, this essay
will compare Behavioral theories, which is my most preferred approach, to the Humanistic
therapy, which is my least preferred counseling approach.
Behavioral and Humanistic Theories
Behavioral theories are based on psychological approaches that mainly rely on scientific
and objective research methods to examine a client's psychology. In this approach, the counselor
mainly focuses on the client's observable actions, such as making clinical conclusions and
providing the best therapeutic intervention. The method is based on scientific assumptions,
which states that humans can change their behavior based on how they respond to various stimuli

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BEHAVIORAL AND HUMANISTIC THEORIES Behavioral and Humanistic Theory Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: 1 BEHAVIORAL AND HUMANISTIC THEORIES 2 Behavioral and Humanistic Theory Over the years, professional school counselors have played an essential role in providing responsive services by applying a wide range of clinical approaches to address student and staff problems. Notably, there are several counseling theories and techniques that have been useful for school counselors. These theories and methods shape how the school counselors provide therapeutic interventions in different situations. Most of the approaches have been developed from evidence-based practices or based upon other ideas about human functions. Additionally, numerous variables determine the success of counseling theories and methods. A single counseling approach applied by two counselors may not give the same results due to each case's variables. One of the significant variables that determine the success of each theory is the counselor's personality traits. According to Aardema & Wong (2020), clinical approaches and views can only give positive results when they fit the counselor's personality traits. Given the nature of school counseling, counselors need to know the differences between the theories to provide suitable interventions for different cases. The counselors need to know the ideas that fit their personality traits and comfortably provide therapeutic intervention. Therefore, this ...
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