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Cultural Experience Paper Muslim Culture

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Galen College of Nursing
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Running head: Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture 1
Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture
Student's Name

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Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture 2
Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture
Introduction and Background
When it comes to health issues, Muslims have different beliefs on illnesses and other
issues associated with health. Muslim patients believe that pain and suffering come from God
and serves as a test of the believer's faith. Through the illnesses, the Muslim faith is tested in
different ways, and there is an emphasis on the need to examine different beliefs and perceptions
held by the group (Stubbe, 2020). In Islam religion, health is considered a state of spiritual,
psychological, physical, and social well-being of a particular group. Therefore, based on the
beliefs, Muslim patients adopt a unique approach to illnesses. The patients tend to engage in
intense mediation, prayers, and patience as they go through the healing process. Islam religion
places immense emphasis on the need to observe one's health (Stubbe, 2020). Therefore, there is
an emphasis on the need to take care of one's health. Taking care of one's health for Muslims is
considered to be a religious duty.
Therefore, based on the overview, it is vital to examine different healthcare beliefs held
by Muslims. The analysis will also evaluate the impact of culture on the group's lifestyle. There
will be a comparison of the health cultural beliefs of Christians and those of Muslims.
Understanding different aspects of cultural communications will help understand the group's
cultural beliefs and perceptions of health (Gjukaj, Drewniak & Biller-Andorno, 2017). The
research will also examine different health disparities associated with communication among the
people of Islam religion. Understanding the Muslim approach to communication with healthcare
providers will also create an overview of various aspects of the group's culture. Finally, the
analysis will compare the group's approach to communication with Madeline Leininger's Theory
of Culture.

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Running head: Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture Student's Name Course Date 1 Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture 2 Cultural Experience Paper- Muslim Culture Introduction and Background When it comes to health issues, Muslims have different beliefs on illnesses and other issues associated with health. Muslim patients believe that pain and suffering come from God and serves as a test of the believer's faith. Through the illnesses, the Muslim faith is tested in different ways, and there is an emphasis on the need to examine different beliefs and perceptions held by the group (Stubbe, 2020). In Islam religion, health is considered a state of spiritual, psychological, physical, and social well-being of a particular group. Therefore, based on the beliefs, Muslim patients adopt a unique approach to illnesses. The patients tend to engage in intense mediation, prayers, and patience as they go through the healing process. Islam religion places immense emphasis on the need to observe one's health (Stubbe, 2020). Therefore, there is an emphasis on the need to take care of one's health. Taking care of one's health for Muslims is considered to be a religious duty. Therefore, based on the overview, it is vital to examine different healthcare beliefs held by Muslims. The analysis will also evaluate the impact of culture on the group's lifestyle. There will be a comparison of the health cultural beliefs of Christians and those of Mu ...
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