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Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District
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Running head: ANNOTATION. 1 Annotation. Student Name. Institution Affilation. Date. ANNOTATION. 2 Annotation. Tatum, B. D. (2017). Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?: And other conversations about race. Basic Books. I. Rhetorical Context The writing we are going to explore is a book that was written by Beverly Daniel Tatum. This book is titled; Why are all black kids sitting together in the cafeteria and other conversation about. This is a revised and updated version of the book. This book was written to help us understand how we can deal with racial segregation and help us understand why people of the same race always flock together. This book is trying to help the rider understand more about racial issues hence making the best decision when faced with a racial challenge. This book also helps parents understand how they can help their kids along the racial paths, hence eliminating racial segregation in the future. Racial issues appear in the cafeteria, games, and other places within the school where students of the same race are all together: the book was published in the year 2017. II. Summary (Tatum, 2017) outlines several reasons that make students of the same race stick together; these students are always blacks. The writer explains that kids feel more comfortable when sitting with their peers: ones from the same race as them. There are several points that the author mentions in the book. Tension is one of the issues the author explores, ...
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