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Running Head: The Johns Hopkins Museums
The Johns Hopkins Museums
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The Johns Hopkins Museums
Johns Hopkins University is blessed to host three attractive museums, Homewood,
Evergreen, and Baltimore (Hopkins, 2020). The three attractive museums act as historical
Landmarks encouraging visitors to get social. The Homewood Museum is one of the country’s
best thriving remnants of the Federal period. The Evergreen Museum and library contains an
intimate collection of precious and arts, manuscripts, and rare books. At the same time, the
Baltimore museum is home to a renowned collection of art. Key messages proposed will be
explained in this essay to accomplish the campaign objectives set to attract more visitors to the
The JHU museums have been significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic
necessitating new campaign objectives to attract more visitors (Kraus, 2016). Advertisement,
getting social, starting a guest blog are some of the campaign objectives proposed. These
campaign objectives were to be accomplished through critical messages such as audience
engagement. The audience is encouraged to get socially fulfilling the campaign objectives.
Another critical message proposed is the need to embrace social media to allow for online
advertisement of the museums accomplishing another campaign objective.
Based on the critical messages proposed, the target audiences are the youth and any other
individual passionate about art and design. The youth are easily reached through the various
social media platform, making the proposed key message strategic. Young people are also
innovative and willing to share their stories via the university on-air talk (Lee, 2020). Through
the University, more authors, researchers, and artists will also be interviewed on views
concerning the sculptures and Caravaggio's paintings, thus engaging the local community.

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Running Head: The Johns Hopkins Museums The Johns Hopkins Museums Name Institution Affiliation Date The Johns Hopkins Museums Johns Hopkins University is blessed to host three attractive museums, Homewood, Evergreen, and Baltimore (Hopkins, 2020). The three attractive museums act as historical Landmarks encouraging visitors to get social. The Homewood Museum is one of the country’s best thriving remnants of the Federal period. The Evergreen Museum and library contains an intimate collection of precious and arts, manuscripts, and rare books. At the same time, the Baltimore museum is home to a renowned collection of art. Key messages proposed will be explained in this essay to accomplish the campaign objectives set to attract more visitors to the museums. The JHU museums have been significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic necessitating new campaign objectives to attract more visitors (Kraus, 2016). Advertisement, getting social, starting a guest blog are some of the campaign objectives proposed. These campaign objectives were to be accomplished through critical messages such as audience engagement. The audience is encouraged to get socially fulfilling the campaign objec ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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