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20200826204607operating Budget 2

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Health & Medical
Keiser University
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Budget C REVENUES Description Detail Clinic Revenue Lab Revenue Medications Revenue Procedures Revenue Less Contractuals TOTAL CLINIC REVENUE Yearly Budgeted Amount 325 clients per month, 3,900 total visits 163,800.00 195 of billable labs per month, 2340 labs per year58,500.00 162 meds per month, 1,950 per year 39,000.00 26,000.00 # of billable procedures done per year Percentage negotiated with payer 114,920.00 402,220.00 EXPENSES Description Detail PAYROLL Provider salary Total salary Receptionist salary LPN salary Total Salary & Wages: Provider FICA Receptionist FICA LPN FICA Salary x 0.0765 Salary x 0.0765 Salary x 0.0765 Total FICA Unemployment Health Insurance Life Insurance Long Term Disability 401K Employer Contribution Total Additional Benefits: 60,000.00 13,395.00 28,182.00 101,577.00 4,590.00 1,024.68 2,155.92 7,770.60 10,222.08 2,216.00 666.00 13,104.08 TOTAL PAYROLL: OPERATING EXPENSES Supplies Food Misc. Supplies Medications Medical Supplies Office Supplies Printing Postage Yearly Budgeted Amount 122,451.68 UPS, Fed Ex, Postage Professional Fees Consulting Audit Fee Accountants fees Legal Fees Licensing Fees Bank Fees Clinic 100 1,000.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 300.00 250.00 5,000.00 Advertising Insurance Worker's Compensation Gen/Pro/Med Mal 1,575.00 liability, professional liability, employment, practice liability, property insturance, etc. Umbrella Ins. D&O Ins. Professional Development Mee ...
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