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Jordan University of Science and Technology
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Ethical Considerations for Fundraising

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Ethical Considerations for Fundraising
In case study 9, Nan Brownstone is faced with a dilemma related to ethical issues in a
fundraising process in which a non-profit organization she was leading as the executive director
was about to undertake. Having taken a thorough consideration of ethical and moral dilemmas
and the guidelines set for non-profit fundraising, it only fair that Na Brownstone should not
accept the offer from Mike Donaldson.
In the first place, the one sponsorship proposal per year may stand out to be unethical.
This is from the fact that, after having reviewed the historical relationship between the two
organizations. The proposal was an extraordinary one and had ethical questions. Brownstone had
to ask herself what could be the motivation for Donaldson to accept such proposals, and even
more what would be the source of money. Since in previous engagements, the organizations had
engaged in proposals involving a small amount of money, what really could have changed so
abruptly and loving care was in the capacity to accept proposals involving a large amount of
money. It would unethical for her to accept a donation from a source that casts doubts and with
an inconsistent track record (Carol & Meyer, n.d.) That is likely to affect the reputation of her
organization more so, influences its engagements in the future. Again, Mr. Dodson is said to be a
person of questionable character. There could be improper motives pegged on the big check,
perhaps that was a bit to drive his sexual advances on miss brownstone. Thus, it was only fair for
miss brownstone to drop the proposal.
Secondly, the proposal suggested by Mr. Donaldson creates a conflict of interest between
the two organizations. Loving care requested SUHLD to make referrals to its nursing facilities in
all parts of the to gain financial favors. That would be in contravention of the policies governing

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Running head: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR FUNDRAISING Ethical Considerations for Fundraising Name Institution 1 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR FUNDRAISING 2 Ethical Considerations for Fundraising In case study 9, Nan Brownstone is faced with a dilemma related to ethical issues in a fundraising process in which a non-profit organization she was leading as the executive director was about to undertake. Having taken a thorough consideration of ethical and moral dilemmas and the guidelines set for non-profit fundraising, it only fair that Na Brownstone should not accept the offer from Mike Donaldson. In the first place, the one sponsorship proposal per year may stand out to be unethical. This is from the fact that, after having reviewed the historical relationship between the two organizations. The proposal was an extraordinary one and had ethical questions. Brownstone had to ask herself what could be the motivation for Donaldson to accept such proposals, and even more what would be the source of money. Since in previous engagements, the organizations had engaged in proposals involving a small amount of money, what really could have changed so abruptly and loving care was in the capac ...
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