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Ransomware Presentation

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Strayer University
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Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation     NSA is a U.S intelligence agency within the Department of Defense Tasked with cryptographic and communications intelligence and security It head office is in Forte Meade, Maryland Its among the 17 intelligence agencies within the U.S     It creation was caused by communications intelligence of the U.S military branches during WW II It was created in 1952 through a presidential directive It was tasked with controlling communications intelligence activities of the U.S Tasked with providing operational procedures for communicating    Protection of data from infiltration/ cybercriminal activities Protection of communications from interception It accomplishes this goals by formulating codes, ciphers and cryptology     The formulation and protection is done for the U.S military and other government agencies Tasked with interception, analysis of coded transmissions The interception applies to electronic or other forms Conducts research into all forms of electronic transmissions    Manages posts for detecting signals from around the world Partners with the Central Security Service (CSS) Coordinates the intelligence of NSA and the U.S. military 1. Public Awareness  Carrying out information awareness campaigns targeting; o The general public o Elected and appointed officials o The private sector  Informing them on the impact, nature and extent of electronic c ...
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